This is the Message Centre for Only Homo sapiens

Hello and welcome

Post 1


Greeting from one homo sapien to another,,,, Surprised you havnt been ACED yet smiley - smiley

You can find a lot to do on here,lol.. Like you im into crafts,,Which do you do?

If you want some smileys on your page, click onto this smiley - smiley and it will take you to the SMILEY page,, from them you can have loads,, like, smiley - cakesmiley - coffeesmiley - teasmiley - alesmiley - bubbly and lots more,

Have fun searching


Thanks for your welcome!

Post 2

Only Homo sapiens

Been aced btw, couple of mins l8er!
I love watercolours, and oils, and pencil sketches but am really terrible with charcoal and pastils. Can't seem to get to grips with them. Used to do a lot of random bits and pieces like making my own cards for people, which I still do when I have time and remember in advance (v. bad with dates), making ornamenty things like painted glass bottles, pressing flowers out of the garden and other stuff that I can't remember off the top of my head. Oh yes, I like making jewellery too. What about you?

smiley - scientistOnly Homo sapiens

Thanks for your welcome!

Post 3


Ive decorated wine bottles/glass vases etc
Make my own cards and sell some,
cross stitching (favourite)
,,,,havnt done any for ages but I used to do landscapes in water colours, tried oils but wasnt very good with them, still sketch sometimes, Havnt tried with pastels yet, even though I had some for xmas 2 years ago,,,and I even dabble in doing my own decorating,smiley - smiley
Not much time left for housework is there?.lol


Arty stuff

Post 4

Only Homo sapiens

Oils need a bit of practice to get used to them, but can be really good fun once you've gotten over how bold the colours can be! I do like using watercolours though, because they can be manipulated easily, and soaked up if they go wrong (which they often do for me!). I suppose oils can be gone over easily enough too though. Good luck with the pastels if you decide to give them a go! smiley - smiley What sort of decorating do you do?

I like the idea of setting up some kind of craft shop one day...

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