
Ok now what shall I sayhuh

As you may have gathered love VW Beetles cool , owned three so far 1303, 1303s and have owned the most hated car by the fanatics the concept beetle, alas it has been sold (bitten off more of a financial burden then I could chew cry ), although I am not in beetle ownership at the moment still participate in all the fantastic festival, hangover run to the sun, bug jam etc, (I am the sad cow there in a Vitara), oh well hopefully have enough money together soon to buy a camper (that's if I ever stop buying shoes footprints).

My other interest is diet, health, nutrition, and anything to do with food and eating (my favourite subject), I am a weight watchers gold member, and although I use to be big am not now (well so I am told, however still have plenty of those fat days), and I still adore food cake , once a foody always a foody, angel although I do try and be healthy these days strawberry. I think being on weight watchers maintenance is like being a recovering alcoholic, you will never forget about food, and how it makes you feel when your eating it.

I live with my two lodgers who just happen to be my best mates in a three bedroom semi in Wolves, (oh yes did I forget to mention we are in the premier this year), and my two cockatiels Dominic and Susanna tit .

Not a lot of things to say really boring life, boring job, boring girl yawn . I shall elaborate as I go along, as I do have more of a life then this (just can't think of it at the moment).

That's all folks


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Beetle Girl

Researcher U235613


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