This is the Message Centre for tjeika

Hello there...

Post 1

Shorty† (ACE, Keeper, Muse, MuG, Thingite)

Welcome to h2g2. I'm Shorty, and I'm an ACE. What's an ace? Besides having something to do with tennis, an ace is another researcher like yourself who volunteered to help greet new researchers to this site.

Here's a semi-nifty list of links for you to check out when you have the time: A621730

You're studying medicine? That's so cool-I'm almost jealous! See, I want to be a doctor when I graduate from high school. Of course, I still have two years left before that... I used to ride horses, too, until it got too expensive. Do you ride English?

So, if you have any questions, or just want to chat, feel free to click on the reply button below to leave a message, and I'll come like this: smiley - run.

Have fun,
Shorty smiley - cheerup

Hello there...

Post 2


Hello back and thanks for the nice welcome!

Right now I still try to find my way around here and try to figure out all the things I can do here - except having a lot of fun and avoiding to work. So, specific questions will come to me in time and I'll come back to you.

Do you really want to be a doctor? If so, don't let people talk you out of it. (A lot of people tried with me.) It sure is great and the studying is interesting. Admittedly it also means a lot of work.

I do english riding, I suppose. I have lessons and that but don't go on contest. Also, I try to ride out more and just have fun with my horse. I also like dogs and - quite unusual - cats as well.

So, I will have fun and hope to hear from you again,


Hello there...

Post 3

Shorty† (ACE, Keeper, Muse, MuG, Thingite)

Ah, yes, h2g2 is a good way to waste time... smiley - winkeye It will take a while for you to get used to it, but if you hang around, I'm sure it will become second nature to you.

I've always been intersted in becoming a doctor since I was a little kid, and I'm 99% positive that's what I want to do with my life. Unfortunately, I still have 2 years in which I could change my mind. I just worry about remembering everything. You have to know SO much off the top of your head.

Yeah, I never showed (or went on contest, I guess) when I rode either. I was just learning how to jump when I stopped, though. That was so much fun. The horse I was riding loved to jump, and leaped up real high to go over a couple of cavelletti (can't spell). Ah, adrenaline...smiley - smiley

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