This is the Message Centre for Wheezer2


Post 1


Hi and welcome to h2g2, or hootoo as we sometimes call it!

I'm Elentari and I'm one of h2g2's <./>ACEs</.>. I'm an ordinary researcher like you who spends some time welcoming new members. So if you have any questions, please feel free to ask me by hitting the 'reply' button at the end of this post.

The main reason this site was set up was to create a guide to life, the universe, and everything. Accordingly, lots of us here (including me) write entries for the edited guide, which become h2g2's definitive entry on that subject. If you're interested in doing the same (don't worry if you're not, it's by no means compulsory! smiley - smiley) please have a look at A53209.

h2g2 can be confusing even for old timers, but here are some links to help you out! I highly recommend you check out A901829 on h2g2 jargon for an explanation of some of the terms you'll find here. It's also worth taking the h2g2 Tour at A317459 for a quick intro to the site. You could also just use the <./>FrontPage</.> as a starting point for browsing.

If you've had a quick look around already, you may want to know how to do cool smileys like smiley - biggrin, smiley - magic, smiley - cake, smiley - disco, smiley - tardis , smiley - nahnah and so on. If so, A155909 is the place to visit. If you want to make your Personal Space look snazzy, try A690518.

h2g2 is definitely not a chat room, but we do have areas for light-hearted chatter; try <./>MiscChat</.>. smiley - smiley

Finally, one more handy link is a page on hints and links for new researchers at A719840.

Get stuck in, we're a friendly bunch and everyone was new once!

Don't forget to ask if there's anything you want to know! smiley - biggrin

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