This is the Message Centre for Pope Pygmy Marmoset

Hi there, Pope Pygmy Marmoset!

Post 1

Shea the Sarcastic

I'm Shea ... we met in the Thingite camp. I visited your Personal Space, and found that you haven't been officially welcomed yet! So I'm here to remedy that! smiley - smiley

Welcome to h2g2! smiley - biggrin

I am an Assistant Community Editor (ACE). We're a group of volunteers that wander about welcoming and helping new Researchers. I'm surprised you haven't been visited yet!

If you're interested, I made a page with a list of links that you might like to check out. It's at A534953

That's it for now. If you'd like some help with anything, just ask!

- Shea the Sarcastic smiley - diva

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Hi there, Pope Pygmy Marmoset!

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