This is the Message Centre for Shapeshifter

JR is bored

Post 41


Nevermind - you can return to it whenever you like - it's just up a tad on this thread (under the QQ Night brand)!

JR is bored

Post 42


Here's a QQ question. smiley - erm Not sure if it's out of place on H2G2 but ...

What is the optimum number of friends of the opposite sex for someone to have ? smiley - kisssmiley - yawn I once dated a woman every Monday, and she had a regular date with three other people on Tuseday, Wednesday and Thursday respectively. smiley - cuddlesmiley - hugsmiley - tickle Then she had the weekend off. The arrangement lasted about two years before she fell for one of us smiley - smooch (not me) and ended three of the relationships. smiley - crysmiley - crysmiley - cry

Is this a good idea ? smiley - huh

JR is bored

Post 43


smiley - wow! Not sure if it's a good idea - but it clearly worked for her!

JR is bored

Post 44

toxxin - ¡umop apisdn w,I 'aw dlaH

Ali. No question is out of place as far as I'm concerned. There's infinite space and people don't have to read questions/threads they aren't interested in.

As to your question, I don't suppose there is any general rule. It depends on the people, the nature of the relationships, maybe age, orientation etc. In my youth it was wham-bam or nothing with me and the girls. Yet I know people who have been friends for years before becoming something more.

JR is bored

Post 45

Juicy Beloved

Come back JR I've only just arrived.
(Where's he gone Doc?)

Step over here JR immediately, or I
shall have to go and do something less
boring instead.
luv JB

JR is bored

Post 46


Hello, JB, how are you today, I'm still bored, and I've run out of booze.

JR is bored

Post 47

Juicy Beloved

Apologies all round everybody, I mistook the bottom of the page for the end of the conversation, and didn't notice the little arrow pointing downwards. Doh!!!

My nom de ploom over here is Juicy Beloved, in the hopes that someone may either call me Juicy *OR* Beloved. I can hope can't I.

luv JB

JR is bored

Post 48

Juicy Beloved

Oh No, now I'm bifurcating as well. JR You must make a list when you go shopping. You should not be running out of the bottled stuff, or you will be getting withdrawal symptoms. You worry me you do. Anyway while you are sober, how are you today. luv JB

JR is bored

Post 49


Still bored. Sobriety is overrated.

JR is bored

Post 50


Hi, Beloved Juicy One. smiley - lovesmiley - strawberry

There's another way to say Doh! here - like this : smiley - doh

The icon is also a link to the list of similar icons.

smiley - kisssmiley - kiss AliQuest (MarkL)

JR is bored

Post 51


i beg your pardon... i try not to cross smiley - cupid territory... i just stumbled....

smiley - dragon

JR is bored

Post 52


You are welcome, smiley - dragon .

I wasn't doing anything, anyway. smiley - whistle

Have a smiley - stiffdrink and enjoy the smiley - starsmiley - starsmiley - crescentmoon on this lovely evening.

JR is bored

Post 53


I am trying to get back to you JR but I just can't. Can you help? I'm Sue Hinks from the QQ message boards. I just can't get in as either the old me or the new me. I'm in a Kafka-esque situation. Please help me.

JR is bored

Post 54


Sue - First try: Delete all your cookies, at least the ones with bbc in the name, then try again. smiley - smiley

They should be in C:\Windows\Cookies .

Regards, Aliquest aka Mark Littleover.

JR is bored

Post 55


Hello, Sue, Mark has the right idea, delete your cookies and then log in to qq using your original login and password. If you have forgotten these, just invent new ones and reregister.

JR is bored

Post 56

Juicy Beloved

Hello there Mark smiley - star

Do you have to type out the smiley name, or can you just click on the icon, because I just clicked on the star, and was sent into the cosmos. Feeling a bit space sick now. smiley - drool

What has happened to JR? Is he still bored?

Tune in tomorrow for the next thrilling instalment of......

JR bored again!!!! da da da daaaaa

See you all tomorrow, I hope. smiley - lovesmiley - cuddlesmiley - hugsmiley - blush

smiley - kisssmiley - kisssmiley - love JB

JR is bored

Post 57


You seem to have mastered the smileys, anyway.

JR is bored

Post 58


Don't be bored. Sue's here. I have found my way through.

JR is bored

Post 59


Glad to see that.

JR is bored

Post 60

Juicy Beloved

JR I guess you have been asleep for the last 13 hours. If you are awake, and in touch with the Doc. Please tell him that some poor woman over on the *real* QQ is having a problem (sleep so she says) and I have told her that Doc may be able to help (ha ha ha ha ha ha ha). luv JB

If I can help somebody as I pass along smiley - whistle.......

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