This is the Message Centre for Shapeshifter

JR is bored

Post 21


The ship, "Sailed By The Pier", sank.


JR is bored

Post 22


Just woke up, still bored, running out of grog.

JR is bored

Post 23


What you need, young man, is a nice long walk is the country...

Any country

smiley - run

JR is bored

Post 24


My lack of proof-reading c*cked that one up.
of course..

still smiley - runing

JR is bored

Post 25

toxxin - ¡umop apisdn w,I 'aw dlaH

RM aka Peter. The punctuation in that sentence is already correct. The task is to parse it. Just explain in what way it is a perfectly grammatical and sensible sentence. Try again?


JR is bored

Post 26


I come here to be entertained - and what do I find - people parsing sentance...........

JR is bored

Post 27


Read fine to me, but then I am a bit pissed.

JR is bored

Post 28


You want me to read a fine story to you JR?

Here goes, or even hear goes

smiley - smiley sweet tale don't ya think!

JR is bored

Post 29

toxxin - ¡umop apisdn w,I 'aw dlaH

Is that you, Icy? Well, who else is in admin? Oh Chel and Miranda I guess have the password.

JR is bored

Post 30


mmm....sorry did not mean to be anon!

JR is bored

Post 31

toxxin - ¡umop apisdn w,I 'aw dlaH

Hi Chel. I note that the yak is bak! Does this mean that you love shy and retiring yaks, or that you are shy and retiring and love yaks? It's most confusing as it stands!

JR is bored

Post 32


Doc, someone edited out my 'Yak Admirer' and replaced it with the smiley - blush and the 'shy and retiring'! So perceptive - I am, really!

JR is bored

Post 33


I did the 'shy and retiring' bit, don't know about the rest.

JR is bored

Post 34


You still bored JR? I have been trying to think of an interesting, and amusingly chanllenging Question to make it look as though all the punters had not been frightened off ............ but I am having a spot of posters block - not too mention being shy and retiring smiley - blush.

JR is bored

Post 35


Looks like Dr. Germ wants to play. Is today a record for the fewest posts ever on QQ and MC?

JR is bored

Post 36

toxxin - ¡umop apisdn w,I 'aw dlaH

It's been awfully quiet over there.

JR is bored

Post 37


ummm...could be 1) it's weekend, 2) it's now school hols (and a few of us have kids) 3) the weather is/was too nice to be inside........

....and 4) considering the Mods have such heavy workload they have to cut down weekend opening hours, I hesitate to trouble them! (NOT!smiley - biggrin)

JR is bored

Post 38


Really dull today.

JR is bored

Post 39


Didn't you like my story JR? I read it out really loud....

JR is bored

Post 40


Must have been asleep.

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