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Hello and welcome :)
Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS) Started conversation Jul 18, 2003
Hello Sarah,
A very warm <./>Welcome</.> to h2g2.
My name is Midnight Angel
I am one of the many friendly <./>ACE</.>'s you will see around h2g2.
What do we do?
We meet and greet new researchers,and make them feel at home.
I have my own welcome page with lots of links for new researchers,you will find by clicking on this blue link>> A1103815 your welcome to use that when ever you want..
Just before i leave you to explore, If you go to <./>UserDetails</.> you can change your research numer and give your self a nick name.
Just deleate your number from the box type in your nick name you want and update it.
I will let you go and explore now.
Please take a or
and some
with you.
HAve fun and remember not to panic.
Hello and welcome :)
Researcher 235044 Posted Jul 19, 2003
hello midnight angel!! 4 visiting ...i already know some of the site as i was registered b4 but was getting alot of hassle on my other name was gonna come off completely but enjoyed it so much i reregistered !!but im sure sometimes ill get stuck ive been using alot of ur links to get places
!!im gonna put some on my page soon with some boxes i could never get the hang off the boxes but if i do them 1st it might b easier .....neway thanx 4 popping in i would offer u
but its abit early so how abouts a
or hope to chat soon sarah
Hello and welcome :)
Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS) Posted Jul 19, 2003
Hello Sarah.
You are very welcome.
Im sorry you had problems before.But it is a rare thing on herer it dont happen often but if you do experience any problems then please let myself or another ace know so we can deal with the problem.But hears hopeing you wont have any more trouble.
Im glad you have been able to make use of my links,and sure put them on your own page
will be good
much apreciated
If you pop over to the Boars Head later and come in the Bar area the first drink is on the house
Speak soon..
Hello and welcome :)
Researcher 235044 Posted Jul 19, 2003
hiya midnight!!thanx alot but i conplained about the mAN BUT APPARENTLY HE WASNT BREAKING THE HOUSE RULES oops soz about that n i was getting upset i decided to leave 2 ppl have conplained at his comments but didnt make a difference either ...but i missed the site;-( so reregistered in another name. another thing me real name isnt sarah its michelle .which ive let slip a few times no good keeping a secret
thanx 4 the offer of a drink ill come over l8r ...neway better go things to do....nice to meet u hun bye 4 now michelle
Hello and welcome :)
Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS) Posted Jul 19, 2003
Hi Michelle
As we have the same name we cant be all bad can we hey
was this recently i think you may have been talking to another ace about it a few days ago..
Well im happy to hear that you are giveing us another try,
Just becareful.
dont give personal details out and if you have a problem dont reply to them but unsubscribe to the conversation.
If you think someone is breaking the house rules in what they say to you though still ask one of us.if they are being offensive one of us will still be able to have a word to solve the problem.
But hopefully this wont be the case again.
Speak soon take care..
Hello and welcome :)
Researcher 235044 Posted Jul 19, 2003
yeah i did speak to intern n manda was gonna post them a msg 2 apoligise about the way i behaved but im worried i may b found out by a certain man n wanna b able to enjoy the site now without ne hassle can u let them know im plz especially intern when he was only trying to help .i suppose u read the threads
but hopefulleyre now n gradually get some pals back in the future but best to lie low at the mo!!
thanx michellexx
Hello and welcome :)
Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS) Posted Jul 19, 2003
Dont worry at all.
i dont think you need to apologise for anything.
Just start a fresh now and may be try not let poeople call you by your real name if peoiple ask just say you rather not give personal information.
may be give your self a nick name you wouldnt mind then calling you.
Intern is away for a few days but i will be happy to pass on the message to him.
i will send him a tex later when i know hes not driveing.
Dont worry now start again and try not to talk about what happened in on here as you know someone may see who you dont want to and then your backj to sqare one..
Hello and welcome :)
Researcher 235044 Posted Jul 19, 2003
no i wont mention it n wont b giving me email out atall now 2 risky !!thanx 4 everything n hopefully now ill b able to learn to put the boxes in me page now like i did want on me other page think ill have to change the nick name on here doesnt suit me really have to have a think !!im gonna go now still havent got dressed lol....ill speak 2 u l8r hun bye for now>>>>
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Hello and welcome :)
- 1: Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS) (Jul 18, 2003)
- 2: Researcher 235044 (Jul 19, 2003)
- 3: Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS) (Jul 19, 2003)
- 4: Researcher 235044 (Jul 19, 2003)
- 5: Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS) (Jul 19, 2003)
- 6: Researcher 235044 (Jul 19, 2003)
- 7: Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS) (Jul 19, 2003)
- 8: Researcher 235044 (Jul 19, 2003)
- 9: Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS) (Jul 19, 2003)
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