This is the Message Centre for ant 316

well done

Post 41


smiley - laughmy bum off at you he he he you two are so funny Hey ant there both the same person both sick in the head NOW i won't say it again Yes i will Leave me alone.

Ant Tell these two Dipstick's how hard scousers are and how hard my cousins are as you have met them havent you love.

well done

Post 42


thats a good idea why dont you all meet up and have a right good fight infact ill shout fight fight fight . im not meeting up with any1 of h2g2 and for certain not yoome2 that lot of you hopefully when youve finished fighting your so badly damaged youll be to far gone for a smiley - doctor and smiley - nurses help smiley - biggrin

Fight away children lol

Post 43


Yeah honey I don't think philly or mevon would cum Down to scouser land once they step of train inta our boss city Then That's when the party will begin lol they have no worms left they think cos there from woolysmiley - sheepLand that we be scared of them But then again honey i never started THIS phil did telling my Bestfriend Lie's and then he causes more trouble he says he want's to sort the problem's out I SAID fine give me your number but no he gose around everyone on this site and he accuses that poor woman goerdieprincess of being me and many other poor women that have to deal with him all i want is to be sorted Cos end the day baboon darling i'm getting fed up and i don't live my life on the net i go out have a grin with me bestfriends i go the gym 4 times a week i go self defence classes I feel great and when i come on here them 2 weirdo's start all i want is to beable to come on here have a laugh with you and talk properly to you and ant and talk to al my friends be a big one happy nice friendly with each other but NO he has to rub me nose in it I have never heard so much trash come out a mans mouth in my entire life he reminds me of a Dustbin they spill trash everywhere.
Well ant and baboon I've had enough of them 2 they the same person and all i want now is to enjoy each day as it comes with the best ever friends you and andy and ant and enjoy each others comapny is that so much to ask all i want is be able to make new friends without phil BUT his little s head in each convo i have I just wanna
Come on here and be left alone by them If you know what i mean.
I feel so smiley - sadfacedown in the dumps smiley - bluei feel like breaking Down and
smiley - cry
My heart out I dunno weather i be able to trust another man again the only men i can trust is ant / andy / mark / baboon / db

Fight away children lol

Post 44


well who wants afight tell them boxing baboon and killer kong are waiting for someone to name a time and place god help them . blood and guts everywhere infact better not ask basherbaboon to come along cause last time he got angry there was parts of bodies everywhere smiley - biggrin

Baboon my Little knight has come to save me

Post 45


Arrr honey well your welcome to knock them out with my cousins helping and all the friend's i got they end up assmiley - sheepstew
and when you are finished fighting To save me i will put my arm's around you all and give you a Giant Huge smiley - cuddleand I'll make you all a Roast Dinner as a thankyou Once you Taste my cooking you be asking for more and I know Conal and My other cousin's Just luv my Food You can have smiley - cakeand custard for dessert and i take you all the pub for a smiley - stiffdrinkor
So what do you say baboon my little knight Do you think you can turn old 60 year old phil the lilly into a woolysmiley - sheeppullover?

Baboon my Little knight has come to save me

Post 46

Researcher 236692

hilary u are one liat u started this with the e-mails u sent me,and my m8 has read them,so i take it the 48 hours are up,so get your cousins arses down 2 essex will you,and geordieprincess i last spoke 2 in june aso why should send a msg saying i sent her abusive mgs when i diddnt go and read the mgs ive sent her,and u will find out the truth,also u r november_rain and u say your nname is andy,why send a mgs 2 andy and asking him where he is,hilary im not lying u r,so send you cousins down here and ive never know your brother at all,ive sussed u out,u have even been sending mgs 2 you x b/f in the last 2 days havent u,im not scared off u lot in liverpool,if you cousins want me tell them 2 get their arses down 2 essex,also ant 316 reckons he can get my numbers so get them off from him,geordie princess is also you,you use different names also i know your other e-mail addy as u told it 2 someone on here,and martin if u want 2 knock me out well come and do it,also hilary i know why u asked martin 2 mgs GODZOOKS on yoome2,cos a female accused me of ggoing stalking her,but i got the police involved and proved she lied,and essxstud can aslo prove that as he went out with the female who accused me,so hilary up yous.

Baboon my Little knight has come to save me

Post 47

Researcher 236692

by the way im not 60,and martin u said u dont want 2 gwet involved then why is she sending u messages about me and slagging me off.

well done

Post 48

Researcher 236692

so martin has met your cousins has he,looks like u r telling lies and me and kev r not dipsticks and we r not the same person,u r the dipstick 4 involveing martin in this,so martin whats her cousins like.


Post 49


oi you Don't you dare bring my friend's name's into This what's my friend's Andy and martin and Ant and Solcuerda Done to you nothink but Tell you to get lost Now push off big ear's and go
away Now i am realy angry smiley - grrand move out my way before i will let all these Big Lad's get you Get away You started on me you freek not me YOU are a weirdo Leave me alone NOW i have had enough I have friend's too you know with contact's Go and ask the man you call my ex about it I'm sure he tell you i'm not a nice girl to be messed with You wanna behave your self a grown up man acting like a 8 year oldsmiley - fishman you wanna get a life a leave me alone I was told lots about you and you do know my brother so don't you dare lie You need to see a shrink Why would i use men's names for I'm not like you a crank I'm not a worn out smiley - sheeplike you are
Your the ugliest thing I've ever seen in my entire life now scat away now YOU are a sad looser Get out my life you smiley - geekYOUR 48 hrs are up and the letters have bin allready bin sent out.

Baboon darling
Take no notice this freek he thinks he so hard but he nothink but a spotty nosed Git with no one to love him a sadist person i have ever met YOU and Ant and Andy are 100% pure men you are Real he aint He just a smiley - ghost
Let's all smiley - laughat him and sing Go away go away you are a trash can you sad little pig.


Post 50

Researcher 236692

shame isnt it so martin has met your cousins,and ant 316 said he can get my numbers so tell him 2 get them,i know you little game,you are november_rain and geordieprincess,as i said the last time i spoke 2 her was in june and ive never sent her any abusive messages so why did she send me one on my other name saying i did.


Post 51

Researcher 236692

know i dont know your brother at all,so up yours


Post 52

Researcher 236692

good as ive still got your e-mails so i will see what happens and i know u have another e-mail addy,as i reead it when u gave it 2 someone else,i know you little game u r a sad person,so i will do the same with your e-mails,2 ppl on yoome2


Post 53


Go away you make me roar with laughter at you Leave my friend's alone you weirdo you are the sadiest person ever Go away and you won't push me honey mind you your no honey your a wasp like my brother is now B*gger off you stupid 4 eye's jumped up little freek

you are insane lol
Now run along philly the lilly your Mummy is calling you need your Dummy arrrr there there lmao GO AWAY NOW big nose


Post 54


god almighty give me strength ive never met a single person from yoome or h2g2 and never intend doin so now shut up smiley - biggrin


Post 55

Researcher 236692

oh really u make me laugh,so martin has met your cousins has he,well send them down 2 essex,and ant 316 said he can get my numbers so tell him 2 get them,then u could phone me couldnt go on send them down and bring martin with u at the same time,lets see how tough u lot are,as u live in a dream world,why do u keep messaging martin and mention my name 4 then,and u cant deny u havent said that martin has met your cousins can you.


Post 56

Researcher 236692

marin the point im saying is this why does hilary say 2 u that u have met her cousins and why does she keep messaging you and mention my name,shes the one who is keeping this going not me,i dont know her brother at all,but u seem 2 enjoy this well i dont,im a stubborn guy and i wont let this rest thats 4 sure,so why dont u tell her that u havent met her cousins and let everyone know she is lying.


Post 57

Cutiechops:0)...............' THE LOUNGS '.............NUMBER 1FAN''...;0)




Post 58


cause she will be reading the thread aswell. ive never met her cousin. ive never met any1. why ppl just dont act normal?


Post 59


oi oi cute chops im here to stay u can leave if you wish smiley - biggrin i dunno whats happening im getting dragged into summat i havent a clue on lmao anyway whos you ?

Now now

Post 60


Hey philly where did i say martin had met my cousin's I never said martin had I said Ant316 Had NOW.

Martin I am acting A good girl its this jumped up little Toe rag I don't like his atitude Toward's women he acts so hard yeah right lol

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