This is the Message Centre for Mystcadia

welcome from your ace.. :)

Post 1

Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS)

Hi there researcher,smiley - smiley

My name is Midnight Angel. smiley - angel
I am a <./>ACE</.> which stands for assistant community editor.

Its my job to track down new reserachers and <./>Welcome</.> you to h2g2 and help you find your feet.

I have a page for new researchers with some useful links you will find this here. A1103815

If you do need any more assistance then just click on reply to this posting.or visit my home page by clicking on my name.

Just before i leave you to it,If you go to <./>UserDetails</.> you can change your research number for a nick name. smiley - smiley

Enjoy your time on h2g2 and Remember not to panic.smiley - towel

smiley - angel..Angel..smiley - angel
smiley - peacedove

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