This is the Message Centre for James Bond

Shaken not stirred ;)

Post 1

Siren Of The Black

Hello James, welcome to hootoo! Just popped by to say I hope you enjoy becoming part of the h2g2community, if you pop to my site and leave a message with my friend Unconformity I'm sure she'll show you the ropes, as being an ACE that's what they do smiley - smiley
Be well and happy chatting!
smiley - hug
smiley - magic

Shaken not stirred ;)

Post 2

James Bond

Hi Siren, thanks for the welcome, not too many peeps do that on here. It does seem like a good little community and just getting used to things.

Shaken not stirred ;)

Post 3

James Bond

Hi Siren, thanks for the welcome, not too many peeps do that on here. It does seem like a good little community and just getting used to things.

Shaken not stirred ;)

Post 4

Siren Of The Black

Yeah, when I first started off on here not many people spoke to me smiley - wah but I reinvented myself and got more outgoing and that seems to be how to do it on here! smiley - winkeye
Just pick people to talk to, most won't mind you joining in on conversations.... and if you give yourself a really long tag after your name that seems to give people something to talk to you about, though I never bothered! smiley - tongueout
so, how did you discover this place then?

Shaken not stirred ;)

Post 5

James Bond

I was on the BBC message boards and got the link from that, couldn't really get my head round it at first but kept at it and its ok now. So how long you been on here then?

Shaken not stirred ;)

Post 6

Siren Of The Black

Ohhhh now you're askin'..... Ummmm........ since January, I think... smiley - erm around then at some point...
So, you into James Bond I take it? Very good films, which James Bond is your James Bond? I grew up with Roger Moore as JB, so he'll always be the first one who comes to mind when anyone mentions it, but I think old Seany boy was the bestest! smiley - winkeye

Shaken not stirred ;)

Post 7

James Bond

Well coming from Scotland, there can only be one!! So what do you get up to then Siren and where did the name come from?? smiley - kiss

Shaken not stirred ;)

Post 8

Siren Of The Black

Heh heh naturally! smiley - winkeye
smiley - laugh
If we're going to get into what I get up to we'll be here all day! smiley - winkeye not necessarily because I do that much, but just cos I have a habit of waffling.... smiley - sadface
But to try and keep it short, I sleep - alot, it's a great hobby smiley - winkeye I have just finished a BSc in chemistry and am looking for a job... ick smiley - tongueout I listen to music, read, write and watch TV and films smiley - smiley I'm crap at computer games, only ever played and liked Soul Caliber.... Love cars, espesh mine and driving. Like to watch rugby smiley - smiley I could go on, but I won't. smiley - biggrin
How about yourself?

Shaken not stirred ;)

Post 9

Siren Of The Black

Oh and the name came from those mystical temptresses who used to lure sailors onto the rocks by enchanting them with their song....
I can't sing that well, but I loved the idea of a lethal but beautiful temptress.... smiley - winkeyesmiley - laugh

Shaken not stirred ;)

Post 10

James Bond

I like to sleep a lot as well, don't really get that much chance though. I like computer games but don't really play them much, I've got more important things to do, like going to the pub, occassionally, not too much incase you get the wrong idea, but my mates are at my house a lot trying to get me to go out. I like driving as well, obviously not when I have been to the pub though. What car have you got?

Shaken not stirred ;)

Post 11

Siren Of The Black

Ummmmm.... I have a ford fiesta bonus 999cc.... *mumbles* 4 gears..... smiley - blush
But! When I'm earning enough I'd like a Honda civic type r.... smiley - drool oh yes.... In black too.... smiley - kiss oh that car is gorgeous! and one day if I have a lot of time and when my mechanics course ever gets done, I'm goin to buy a VW beetle, 1975 ish and rennovate it to my custom specs.... nice smiley - biggrin
Since I've had my car I've mainly been on shandies cos I drive everywhere, so I rarely drink up the pub anymore... She's broken at the mo tho, starter motor's kaput... so went up the pub with a mate of mine, had two glasses of wine and was off! How embarrassing... smiley - blush

Shaken not stirred ;)

Post 12

James Bond

I've got a peugeot 206, quite a good fast car. I know absolutely nothing about cars though apart from how to drive them. You never said where the name siren comes from?

Shaken not stirred ;)

Post 13

Siren Of The Black

Sorry, I replied first off and forgot, so I added it as an afterthought, if you read back up a few posts, it's there... smiley - biggrin I'm terrible at this, I get so carried away in talking I don't reply to half the stuff I should have! smiley - laugh

Shaken not stirred ;)

Post 14

James Bond

So how old are you Siren, whats your real name and where you from, if you don't mind me asking, sorry for being so cheeky smiley - biggrin

Shaken not stirred ;)

Post 15

Siren Of The Black

Quite alright hun smiley - winkeye
I'm 21, my real name is Kate and I'm from South Wales.... and there's nothing wrong with being cheeky smiley - winkeyesmiley - kiss

Shaken not stirred ;)

Post 16

James Bond

Thats ok just wondering, so how is sunny South Wales today then, you not working at all at the moment?

Shaken not stirred ;)

Post 17

Siren Of The Black

Ummm, actually sunny for once! heh... smiley - cool
I'm working at the moment in uni for the inorganic chemistry research labs, but my supervisor has gone to a conference for 3days, so I've been left with a load of photocopying to do, which I did yesterday so I'm just padding out my time and filling out library request forms... smiley - winkeye So, what do you do if you don't mind me asking?....

Shaken not stirred ;)

Post 18

James Bond

I work for a telecomms company and my boss is away at the moment as well. Glad you've got it sunny down there, its pouring down up here again smiley - sadface

Shaken not stirred ;)

Post 19

Siren Of The Black

Are you telesales or something along the lines of csr?
While the cat's away eh? smiley - winkeye
Oh, sorry it's raining smiley - hug it'll brighten up soon, according to the weather lady anyways... But you never can trust them, they said it would rain here yesterday, it didn't. Just got v windy and bloody freezin! smiley - cross

Shaken not stirred ;)

Post 20

James Bond

No nothing like that, I plan the network, thats why I can spend a lot of time on here, not much to plan at the moment smiley - biggrin

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