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Shaken not stirred ;)
James Bond Posted Jul 11, 2003
No not an awful lot, never seem to plan anything in my personal life, just do things on the spur of the moment, what about you? I will be going out but don't know where or when yet or even who with
Shaken not stirred ;)
Siren Of The Black Posted Jul 11, 2003
Best way to be I think! Spontaneous-ness always produces good times, well it does for me, usually, unless it involves food...
I've got work sat evening, I work in a pub. But I'm gonna try and get my car fixed sat morning and take my bike for a spin, bought my next door neighbour's bike off him a little while ago and I want to take it on a long ride to get used to it. Sunday I think I may just relax, unless Claire calls round in which case I'll be dragged off to the pub. but I'll probably just end up sleeping
Shaken not stirred ;)
James Bond Posted Jul 11, 2003
Yes I agree with that, youre always best doing things on the spur of the moment, working in a pub sounds good. Do you drink in the same place as you work?
Shaken not stirred ;)
James Bond Posted Jul 11, 2003
Yes I agree with that, youre always best doing things on the spur of the moment, working in a pub sounds good. Do you drink in the same place as you work?
Shaken not stirred ;)
Siren Of The Black Posted Jul 11, 2003
Not all the time... I work in the RAF pub, so it's full of quite a few drity old men, but most in there are a really good, down to earth lot. I guess I drink in there about 40% of the time. They have an excellent beer garden
Shaken not stirred ;)
James Bond Posted Jul 11, 2003
Whats wrong with dirty old men, well ok then I'm not that old!! Beer gardens are cool, i think you can get drunk more in them than in the bar
Shaken not stirred ;)
Siren Of The Black Posted Jul 11, 2003
Ha! So you're not denying that you're dirty then?
Beer gardens are fantastic! There's nothing better than sitting out in the sun with a good bevvy and the fresh air makes it go straight to your head!
I have to go and get myself some lunch as I'm ruddy starvin, but I'll be online tomorrow if you're around?
I dunno if you've seen this page, but it's very good:
Well, take care hun, be well and I'll catch you round
Shaken not stirred ;)
James Bond Posted Jul 11, 2003
No I'm not denying I can be dirty when I want to .
Don't know if I'll be on tomorrow, but I will on Monday.
Take care then. Speak to you soon.
Shaken not stirred ;)
Siren Of The Black Posted Jul 12, 2003
I'll see you monday then Mr.Bond... *said in russian accent* If you make it throught thee veekend mwah hah hah haaaa... Eh hem
Shaken not stirred ;)
James Bond Posted Jul 14, 2003
Morning so how are you today? Did you have a good weekend? No I don't mind you putting me on your list.
Shaken not stirred ;)
Siren Of The Black Posted Jul 14, 2003
Hiya This morning I am ruddy ker-nackered....
I hate getting up early... Weekend was good, spent most of Saturday in the garden reading, worked in the evening and just spent Sunday chilling out watching a bit of telly.... How was your weekend?
Shaken not stirred ;)
James Bond Posted Jul 14, 2003
My weekend was quite good, busy but good, went out on Saturday and then sat in the garden on Sunday and also did a little bit of gardening, not too much cos it was too hot, so what you up to this week then?
Shaken not stirred ;)
Siren Of The Black Posted Jul 14, 2003
Working. Working 9-5:30 Mon-Fri, working this evening. Going to archery on Tuesday and then I have no idea... I'll probably just enjoy the sun and read... Got anything fun planned for this week?
Shaken not stirred ;)
James Bond Posted Jul 14, 2003
wow archery!! Are you any good at it? I've not got much planned for the week, well nothing fun anyway, but theres always something round the corner to brighten my week up. Just mainly working, same as you. I've just added you as well, hope you don't mind!!
Shaken not stirred ;)
Siren Of The Black Posted Jul 14, 2003
I'm ok, not bad indoors, but as I haven't shot outside much, I'm pretty crap. Plus the fact that my bow is only 32lbs and my arrows are 2nd hand huge ones, most of the time my arrows don't even make the target
ANd no I don't mind you adding me I have to go though, gotta start work, but I'll catch ya round later...
Shaken not stirred ;)
James Bond Posted Jul 14, 2003
ok then, well catch you around soon, just give me a shout when you have got some time, I'll be on most of this week.
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Shaken not stirred ;)
- 21: Siren Of The Black (Jul 11, 2003)
- 22: James Bond (Jul 11, 2003)
- 23: Siren Of The Black (Jul 11, 2003)
- 24: James Bond (Jul 11, 2003)
- 25: James Bond (Jul 11, 2003)
- 26: Siren Of The Black (Jul 11, 2003)
- 27: James Bond (Jul 11, 2003)
- 28: Siren Of The Black (Jul 11, 2003)
- 29: James Bond (Jul 11, 2003)
- 30: Siren Of The Black (Jul 12, 2003)
- 31: Siren Of The Black (Jul 12, 2003)
- 32: James Bond (Jul 14, 2003)
- 33: Siren Of The Black (Jul 14, 2003)
- 34: James Bond (Jul 14, 2003)
- 35: Siren Of The Black (Jul 14, 2003)
- 36: James Bond (Jul 14, 2003)
- 37: Siren Of The Black (Jul 14, 2003)
- 38: James Bond (Jul 14, 2003)
- 39: Siren Of The Black (Jul 15, 2003)
- 40: James Bond (Jul 16, 2003)
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