Journal Entries

Let the games continue...

Well, it's been a hellish 10 days, but somehow I've managed to come through relatively unscathed. Between two vet visits for two of my dogs (boxers), getting used to working again, trying to get yard work done and miscellaneous other highs and lows of my life, it's been exhausting!

Overall, I think I'd be better off if I went to be at 10 pm and got up at 6 am, but I'm thinking that's not going to happen anytime soon. smiley - winkeye

I'm enjoying a sip of one of my favorite beverages, Cream Soda. I don't drink pop very often, but once and I'll while I'll indulge.

Well, I'm off to do some more web work (I design web pages as a part time job)...enough time spent on myself!


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Latest reply: Jul 9, 2003

First Entry And This Site

I first read the HHGTTG "trilogy" about five years ago. My husband (boyfriend at that time) owned the entire set. They (the books...get your mind out of the gutter smiley - winkeye ) looked a little freaky, but the intro sounded interesting...that was the beginning of my affair with Arthur Dent.

Since that time, I have read the trilogy about six times, and I learn something new with each reading. I actually had to save them from being sold in a garage sale (by the well intentioned husband), and a near miss it was. I think my hubby must be jealous as I can only find one of the books at this time, though it is entirely possible that they burned up in the house fire we had last year...sad.

The possible loss of the trilogy troubles me greatly.

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Latest reply: Jul 6, 2003

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