This is the Message Centre for maninblue

Hi there..

Post 1


Hi maninblue

Do Hope I catch you before you go off line.

Sorry no questions, but I'm here to help you find you're way around h2g2. Let me introduce myself. I'm Lightman smiley - smiley. I'm an Assistant Community Editor or (ACE). We are volunteers who greet new researchers such as your good self, and assist you to get started or simply be someone to chat to.

To help find your way around h2g2 <./>Welcome-Newcomers</.> gives general information, and useful links to help pages. <./>A317459 </.> The h2g2-Tour

smiley - thepost<./>Thepost</.> is h2g2's news paper published weekly, always something interesting to read.

smiley - surfersmiley - peacedovesmiley - ghostsmiley - magicsmiley - wizardsmiley - angelsmiley - bubblysmiley - cupidsmiley - lovesmiley - oksmiley - flyhi

Above are some of my favorite smiley 's, click <./>Smiley</.> for a full list of smiley's to use just enter the code for the smiley in your text.

Clicking on the 'My Space' button takes you to your Personal Space, which shows information about any guide entries which you have contributed to, as well as conversations you've posted in.

When you click 'Preferences', or go to the <./>UserDetails</.> page, you can change your name, e-mail address, password or preferred skin.

That should keep you busy for a while. smiley - smiley

When you wish to make your Personal page more visually interesting visit the <./>GuideML-Clinic</.>? GuideML pages. Here you can lean about the language h2g2 uses as well as all other DNA communities.

Remember the words <./>DontPanic</.> If you need any help just click the Reply-button, I will come smiley - run as soon as I'm on line. Or feel free to contact any other ACE Aces who will be pleased to help you.

I am sure that you will love this community. Whether you have joined h2g2 for fun or to contribute to the guide, jump right in, this is a friendly place. smiley - ok But be careful - it can become quite addictive.

Lightman (ACE)
smiley - peacedovesmiley - earth

Hi there..

Post 2


Wow. Thanks Lightman. That's enough reading to keep me going for a while!

Thanks for the welcome.

See you around.

I'm just off now to do some investigating....

Hi there..

Post 3


enjoy your investigations

smiley - peacedove

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