This is the Message Centre for MaryMagdalainaPrakatan

A bicycle made for two

Post 1


Come on spill the beans honey, Can you ride tandem? smiley - choc

A bicycle made for two

Post 2


Far to uncomfortable smiley - yikes

A bicycle made for two

Post 3


Yes I've done it,you are my first fleet.Saw you on Who's online and decided to give it a whirl.It didn't hurt a bit.

A bicycle made for two

Post 4


First fleet of what may one ask?

A bicycle made for two

Post 5


Contact,What did you think I meant?

A bicycle made for two

Post 6


No idea, that's why I asked the question

A bicycle made for two

Post 7


I don't know whether to start again,or give up and crawl under the nearest rock.

A bicycle made for two

Post 8


I once went for a ride in one of those little 3-wheeler cars, if that's any help.

A bicycle made for two

Post 9


Leggy, how very brave of you....a tupperware GT...WOW and you lived to tell the tale. Dod it have go faster stripes down the side and wide wheels?
I knew a guy years ago, who had one of those bubble car thingies, remember them? Well he painted it pink, put a bin lid on top and painted that brown and then wrote "The TIT" in large letters down the sides. I never did take up his numerous offers of a lift.
Lippy...don't give up, we are quite friendly really. Do you ride tandem? I have always thought it must be quite disagreeable if you are the one at the back....all that backdraft sweat blowing your way smiley - winkeye

A bicycle made for two

Post 10


Na Fleet never ridden a tandem, I will remember your tip though and take the front seat if I do get the chance.Rode a bike once but I cant remember her name, hell she was ugly I know its a womans perogative to be ugly but she was taking the piss smiley - biggrin.What a name Legbreaker don't know if I should be talking to you,better not upset you as I expect you are one of these rough types.Yes my friend I fancy a cut in a three wheeler but there is no street cred in one of those.

A bicycle made for two

Post 11


Leggy got her name because she is demon bowler...the male English cr****t team wanted leggy as a bowler but she refused the sex change op.

A bicycle made for two

Post 12


Ah Legbreaker is a broad,Thank God for that.Mind you the English cricket team could do with a good bowler, come to think of it they could do with a good batsman and a few fielders as wellsmiley - biggrin.

A bicycle made for two

Post 13


Hmmmm, I wonder how Leggy will take to being called a broad? This should be fun, they don't call her Legbreaker for nothing you know. As to the cr***et, well, give them some credit, results have been a lot better just recently. We will see how we stand by about 4pm on Thursday I should imagine smiley - smiley

A bicycle made for two

Post 14


Hmmm. I believe there was a WW2 saying: "loose lips sink ships``'. Now I understand why....

Gotta smiley - run..... it's Nets...

A bicycle made for two

Post 15


Time to change the subjuct as I don't want a legbreaker around my googlies. There is another saying make love not war and as I'm a lot better kisser than I am a fighter I agree with it wholeheartedlysmiley - kiss.

A bicycle made for two

Post 16


I think a little more grovelling looselips, might save the day...Leggy cannot be held responsible for her actions when roused smiley - smiley

A bicycle made for two

Post 17


Hmmm, humble apologies girls never meant to cause offence to Leggy. Must remember my Ps & Qs when talking to young ladies from different parts. Very sorry for my carelessness but I did not know that being called a broad was not looked on with affection in your parts. Please, please, please could we start again (Again)? Is that enough grovelling or do you want some more smiley - grovel. So what’s it to be girls pistols at dawn or pucker up those lips? Remember make love not war.

A bicycle made for two

Post 18

MaryMagdalainaPrakatan about telling us where "your parts" are.....I am in Staffordshire, England, female and stunningly gorgeous and attractive smiley - winkeye...well I would say that wouldn't I smiley - biggrin. So?

A bicycle made for two

Post 19


Wow girls are forward in England; I keep my parts the same place as everyone else fleet in my pants smiley - biggrin. English, Female, living in England, Stunningly gorgeous and attractive this is getting interesting. Modest and tells the truth I know an awful lot about you except your name. I’m tall dark and handsome, with a great body and brain. Girls that I have taken out tell me I’m kind, considerate and good in bed smiley - cool. Please call me Looselips or Lips if you must shorten it,butI’m never Loose smiley - winkeye.

A bicycle made for two

Post 20

MaryMagdalainaPrakatan dipstick...i meant where do you come're the one who talks about parts!

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