This is the Message Centre for MaryMagdalainaPrakatan

A bicycle made for two

Post 21


Here and there no where special Fleet.

A bicycle made for two

Post 22


What not even a country?

A bicycle made for two

Post 23


No No No, You only want to find out all about me. Then you will want to take me to bed,and you won't respect me in the morning. Another beautiful relationship ruined.All your getting is that I'm on the same continent as you at the moment.You still have not told me your name.

A bicycle made for two

Post 24


A trade is fair, otherwise, don't bother.

A bicycle made for two

Post 25


Now, Now Fleet I didn't ask for that. Wrong time of the month or what?

A bicycle made for two

Post 26


Rearrange words: stuffed get

A bicycle made for two

Post 27


I'll take that as a yes then smiley - smiley.

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