This is the Message Centre for Ra - sun god


Post 1


ok i migt have already posted this im not too sure and quite honestly this is first time i even heard of this site and used it!!!!

Seem like you into Egyptology i'm stuck on findign the importance of Sun worship in the Old Kingdom. Can you give me any help because it would be rgately appreciated!!!

Where do i start and can you tell me all you know about Sun worship and Ra please.

Once again is much appreciated,

A rather tired and annoyed student


Post 2

Ra - sun god

oops, sorry, I was out for a while, so I didn't see your message.. having a heavenly holiday so to speak.
Well, to my own opinion one of the most important things for the Sun God is the daily job of getting the sun to pass. So the trip through the underworld, the boat, and the helmsman Toth are .. an issue.
Then there's misunderstandings, such as between me and Amun, between me and Aten.. the heathen period when people stopped believing in me altogether and started believing in Aten..
then there's the other misunderstandings such as between me and Hathor.. she's around somewhere on this site as well, but I haven't seen her for a while. Maybe she's turned into a lion by now..

well, let me know what more you want?

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