I'm crazy

Hello, I'm called Keyzpoof on the computer, and that's the name of our mother cat. She's the mother of our four precious babies, Hannah Bunz, Joy Baby, and our boy kitty, Turd. I love cats, and ocean life. I love to travel, and I love seashells. I once had this FAT RAT named Bob. Nevermind about him... I listen to mostly a mix of all kinds of music. I really hate blues and blusey-jazz, though. Everything else has a place somewhere. I really hate the city. People are nuts, and I don't care for them. like Tacysa, my friend, I'll probably end up in a little schloss in the mountains, playing a harpsichord with many cats. I am in band, and I play percussion, though that is not my true identity. I really play the piano-for 9 years, now. Just recently, I have begun to play the organ, maybe for church one day. The person who is teaching me is one I was once especially fond of, but as it turned out, this person became, may I say, an enemy. Those who know me know who I am refering to. I love to ski. Skiing is the best thing to do in the winter. Swimming is the best thing to do in the summer. I live in boring old middle Georgia, where nothing ever happens, and the entire town shuts down if we happen to get one inch of snow. We are a half hour from the Watermelon Capital of the World, Cordele, GA. i love watermelon, and basically all kinds of fruit. Fruit is good, especially wild kinds. There are several things I value in a relationship, rather with friends. They are: 1) Most importantly, is trust. If I can't trust you, you are not a friend. 2) I must have honesty. A lie doesn't get you anywhere. If you believe that it does, you are sadly disillusioned. 3) Patience. I may become extremely annoying, so I've been told by numerous others. There are other qualities that I may prefer, but those are the main ones. I believe in getting a tan, streching, brushing your teeth, drawing, painting, looking for the good in people though that doesn't always come easily, friendship, eating chocolate, sleep, making loud abnoxious noises, math, blonde jokes (I am blonde-toldya I was crazy), and being patient, though it may not seem that way. I try not to hate anyone, but that's easier said than done. I don't read a lot, but when I do, I really enjoy it. I love to press flowers, and have many flowers I have pressed in the past saved for making card for people. i may seem like a nice person, and i really am, on the inside, but the outside shows someone I'm not. It's opposite of the person I want to be. I love butterflies, and gluing things together. I like heights, water, rocks, shells (repeating myself already), sunshine, orange clouds, the smell of coffee, gasoline, permanent markers, and oranges. I love to go fast, through whatever I go by. I love rollercoasters, and i don't usually barf. I think I've said enough, so I'd like you say this to all of you reading this: it's something that means a lot to me: May there always be work for your hands to do; May your purse always hold a coin or two; May the sun always shine on your window pane; May a rainbow be certain to follow each rain; May the hand of a friend always be near you; and May God fill your heart with gladness to cheer you. I didn't write it, but it's a wonderful thing to have. May God bless all of you and America. Sincerely, KeyZPoof


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Flurries of activity predicted. No Posting Feb 23, 2008
Filters. No Posting Jan 3, 2008
Alive and intact. No Posting Nov 18, 2007
Another four year anni. No Posting May 28, 2007
I'm alive! No Posting Apr 30, 2007


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The Unbombable Keyzpoof

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