This is the Message Centre for Rainmaiden


Post 1


Greetings rainmaiden

What a lovely sparkling page you have created, I could not mis it when looking for new graduates to h2g2, so welcome to what I think of as the most frendly place on the web.

I had best introduce myself. I'm Lightman smiley - smiley I'm an Assistant Community Editor or (ACE). We are volunteers who greet new researchers such as your good self, and assist new researchers to get started or be someone to chat to.

May I sugest something to read <./>Thepost</.> is the community’s news paper. Always lots of interesting things to read.

If you want to read something to help you navagate h2g2 ,may I suggest you start with the links below.
<./>Welcome-Newcomers</.> general information about the guide and links to help pages.
<./>A317459 </.>The h2g2-Tour

I can see you have found the smiley page, I include <./>Smiley</.> link for quick reference.

To help here is a list of some useful information.

Clicking on the 'My Space' button takes you to your Personal Space, which shows information about any guide entries which you have contributed to, as well as conversations you've posted in.

If at any time you wish to change your personal details, Clicking 'Preferences', or going to the <./>UserDetails</.> page will let you change your name, e-mail address, password or how your page may look with one of the skins.

When you wish to make your Personal page more visually interesting visit the <./>GuideML-Clinic</.>? GuideML pages. Here you can lean about the language H2G2 uses.

When you are ready and read the form of the Edited Guide there may be someting you would like to contrubute in the future.

Lastly Remember the words <./>DontPanic</.> If you need any other help just reply to this message, I will come smiley - run as soon as I'm on line. Or please contact any other ACE Aces,

All the best.
Lightman (ACE)
smiley - peacedove

hiya lightman

Post 2


I just wanted to say smiley - ta for the info.
smiley - sorry it took so long to get back to you, I'v had a busy weekend ( smiley - drunk most fo it!)
smiley - hug Jo

hiya lightman

Post 3


smiley - ok

hiya lightman

Post 4


I would like to ask you a question, if that's ok!smiley - biggrin

I was listening to the news tonight and wanted to write an artical but i'm having all sorts of problems- my brain is buzzing and i can't seem to edit it because other questions keep occuring to me! smiley - steam

I would appreciate some collaberation, preferably from the opposite sex (it would give a more unbiased view)
How would I go about asking for help? and from who?

Thanks lightman, if you could help me out u' smiley - star
best wishes Jo

hiya lightman

Post 5


If you want to get feedback one place is <./>ASKh2g2</.>

Is it an edited guide you want to write?


hiya lightman

Post 6


Yeah, I think it is....... it would get more readers....ergo more feedback!
I thing I would like it to look like I'v put some effort into it too!
smiley - cheers

hiya lightman

Post 7


Remember to credit where credit is due. those who give input#

Post 8


Will do hun!

Post 9


all the best with the research and writing. smiley - smiley

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