This is the Message Centre for aka Bel - A87832164

Me and my specs (Bel (ex)centric)

Post 61

Icy North

What B?

smiley - run

Me and my specs (Bel (ex)centric)

Post 62

aka Bel - A87832164

smiley - tongueout

Me and my specs (Bel (ex)centric)

Post 63

dragonqueen - eternally free and forever untamed - insomniac extraordinaire - proprietrix of a bullwhip, badger button and (partly) of a thoroughly used sub with a purple collar. Matron of Honour.

smiley - wow

I must have perfect eyes! Obviously I've been using specs more than 30 years without needing it smiley - laugh

smiley - dragon

Me and my specs (Bel (ex)centric)

Post 64

aka Bel - A87832164

How close to the monitor are you? smiley - bigeyes

Me and my specs (Bel (ex)centric)

Post 65

dragonqueen - eternally free and forever untamed - insomniac extraordinaire - proprietrix of a bullwhip, badger button and (partly) of a thoroughly used sub with a purple collar. Matron of Honour.

well, sort of a like a bit away...

Nowadays it's more like a fixed distance an arm's length away where I can see clear and sharp smiley - biggrin. Far away it's been blurry many years, and closer than an arm's lenght away it's also blurry nowadays.

Guess that's what middle age is about...

smiley - dragon

Me and my specs (Bel (ex)centric)

Post 66

aka Bel - A87832164

Oh, I know that. I have to take my glasses off if I want to see something that's really close. smiley - laugh

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