This is the Message Centre for aka Bel - A87832164

Deke calling Bel

Post 1


Hi Bel smiley - biggrin

Sorry I'm late with this big 'Thank You' for taking my kayaking ramblings under your wing and publishing them in The Post.

I will be trying to keep them up to date (on the same thread) and also keep them interesting if you still want further stuff. Feel free to take, discard or edit as you see fit.

Thanks again

Deke smiley - ok

Deke calling Bel

Post 2

aka Bel - A87832164

Hello Deke,

thanks for stopping by. smiley - smiley

*I* have to thank *you* for letting smiley - thepost have your journals. I'm really fascinated by your account. Please go on sharing.
There was a club in the town where I grew up and a few of my friends were members. I wasn't allowed, though. I guess my dad thought it would be too expensive. Everything which wasn't offered by the Sportverein (which we were members of)and so cost extra money was not possible. Oh well. smiley - smiley

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