This is the Message Centre for ~~Insomniac.Vampire~~

hey vampire

Post 21


smiley - winkeye clever cant pull the smiley - sheep over your eye's can i

mind sayin that would i find a smiley - sheep big enough t get past that gob of yours smiley - biggrin HIc smiley - alesmiley - alesmiley - ale

hey vampire

Post 22



ouch lol smiley - tongueout

you drinking again? you must have hollow legs, so long as its not 'duff' beer your drinking, 'ere mind you dont p... the bed tonight lol smiley - laugh

(oh look intern, heres another you can 'arrange' to get yikesed, reason: having a s.o.h! you unsubscribed to my conversation yet btw)? smiley - clown

that word game your playing, how comes you keep putting in different words? lol i did 1 this morning, when i went to put 1 in, it had 1 word but when i posted the word i originally saw had gone and there was another word there..smiley - weird

smiley - fullmoon

hey vampire

Post 23


ohhh so u thinkin i dont know how t play the word game then..?

im puttin a different word t the 1 youve put it cus im suppose 2 silly smiley - diva cant you go back in the ace's thread with all ya ace mates smiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laugh

my legs hold alot belly up these days due 2 the amount of smiley - alesmiley - alesmiley - alesmiley - alesmiley - alesmiley - alesmiley - ale 1 sups..smiley - biggrin

hey was that abit posh 4 you then -------> 1 sups lol.. if it was i cud change it 4 a betta word 4 me 4 u 2 see smiley - laugh

hey vampire

Post 24



what ace pals? lol i dont think they like me, they dont all play nice lol

since when did you/1 sup? lol try swig/guzzle/gulp/down/knock back lol
you posh? dont make me smiley - laughsmiley - run
what do you mean? cos your an ace now smiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laugh

smiley - fullmoon


Post 25


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Post 26


well well what a surprise, 'somebody' who wasnt it 'would appear' around for a few days is now back and hey ho my threads have msgs dissapearing again?? doesnt take a genius to work out whats going on in your tag team aka h2g2 police smiley - whistle

smiley - fullmoon


Post 27


This post has been removed.

hey vampire

Post 28


theres always an ace watching our spaces, when 1 clocks off another comes on for the nightshift!

smiley - fullmoon

hey vampire

Post 29


yeah well let them play there little power trip games..shows u how sad some of the aces are n them where smiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laugh at the likes of the smiley - blacksheep of the acehood clan..smiley - biggrin

hey vampire

Post 30


oopssss hey smiley - vampire guess i posted on in someone elses page by mistake smiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laugh

hey vampire

Post 31



power trip games? is that what it is?
i thought i was their new pet project! i just cant believe the muppets are doing it for free, id expect to be payed for behaving like a total bleep!

smiley - fullmoon

hey vampire

Post 32


hey how do..smiley - biggrin dont know what ya mean n e more im lost with all this on this

think i really shud cum on more myself dont u..?

this power play thingy..who's turn isit smiley - laughsmiley - laugh

hey vampire

Post 33



perhaps 1 of the aces will explain whats going on and why the need to follow people around, didnt realise being an ace meant you had to subscribe to loads of conversations you weu wernt in but even 1 of the top knobs are at it..well he'd like to think he is lol smiley - sillysmiley - tit

you wanna come on here more often? well i dont know i wouldnt believe all that twaddle about this being a friendly site and open to all, they discriminate against the pettiest of things in here you know like not having a s.o.h, not joining a clique, and not kissing up to the powers that be! must be why im so unpopular lol smiley - doh

power play? whose turn? i think the dummy does the nightshirt smiley - whistle
oh wait theyre all dummies lol go figure but at least it would be fair to say the bbc dont discriminate pmsl

smiley - fullmoon


Post 34


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Post 35


say's hidden as per...guess what..? youve got 42 ya in box pal..smiley - smiley

l8a yeah im off t bed..just knew ide find you in this pile of sh*te tho


Post 36


Oi Swiss! lol

you been spamming me? smiley - grr
thanks pal! talk about doing what you do best lolsmiley - tongueout
ill see you tomorrow trouble
night night

smiley - fullmoon


Post 37


excuse t*at but ive not gone yet smiley - biggrin

ive just posted in the ace of conduct thread and spelt (thread) wrong

just lettin em know im still around sugarplum pmp..and t keep the WATCHERS on there toes..smiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laugh

by the way the email thing i was really takin the pi** cus ive sent u f**k all yeah sort of guy i am..l8a tho yeah smiley - bubblysmiley - run


Post 38


you should know better than mentioning personal names in a thread! and dont be saying i called any of the aces anything, dont you think ive got enough of them on my back without you saying stuff like that, theyre just waiting for an excuse to kick me out of this site! my journal went earlier, it'll be me next! if i want to call them anything then ive got a mouth as you know, and im more than capable of using it smiley - tongueout

smiley - drunk you've only been here 5 minutes and already your causing trouble, go talk to my pal Alexandria, they have a calming effect on people lol

smiley - flansmiley - flansmiley - flansmiley - clown

smiley - nahnahsmiley - run

smiley - fullmoon


Post 39


i can see that and i read your post! i dont think they are online just now could be wrong though, no doubt after the 1 you left in the other thread the usual suspects will be straight round here though!

smiley - fullmoon


Post 40


smiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrinonly been on ere 5mins what you on always on this lovely 1 name or

ive ad more WELCOME t h2g2 msgs then n e 1 in history on h2g2 im its number 1 fan..smiley - smiley

n im not talkin t no girl alex ffs p*ssoff silly smiley - laugh

gtg over sayin my welcome
untill another time yeah smiley - biggrin


u callin the not you..YOU told me t come in and have a dig at em..just t spice up the thread..smiley - whistle (good job no aces are readin this smiley - rosesmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laugh they might point others into this tread aswell..smiley - biggrin

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