This is the Message Centre for ~~Insomniac.Vampire~~

hey vampire

Post 1


remember me then..smiley - laugh

im your old pal smiley - biggrin
im also known 4 your downfall on this lovely site smiley - footinmouthsmiley - whistle

just t let u know pal im ere at the press of a key 4 u smiley - biggrin

u want n e post yiked u just ask problem what so ever..smiley - laugh it's my new job on h2g2 ive got myself an ace's badge in another name wooohoooooo power smiley - biggrin

hey vampire

Post 2



yeah i remember you considering i was talking to you earlier smiley - doh lol

if you want to keep the name though its hardly wise talking to me here you know how the vultures like to circle over my threads watching for out you..but then again its not as you care is it lol

if i want any posts yikesing ill give you a shout then smiley - smiley you got yourself an an aces badge? how many times do i have to tell you a blue peter badge is not an aces badge lol

smiley - fullmoon

hey vampire

Post 3



wave bye bye and close the door on your way out, you just been grassed by your pal intern lol

smiley - fullmoon

hey vampire

Post 4


intern has grassed me up..lmfbopmp.. good ace int be with me sayin im awol that gave me away..right bright these ace's arnt thi..lmfbo..smiley - biggrin bet he gets another brownie point..pmp

hey vampire

Post 5


smiley - sadfacebut if i turn a blind eye that would go against my prinsipl`s wouldnt it im i cant turn a blind eye
to a ban`d researcher now can i what kind of ace would that make me

hey vampire

Post 6


how many points that out of interest

hey vampire

Post 7



well done with his help you grassed him, now you obviously know who he is get out of my conversation please, your sposed to be spying on my conversations not joining in.....bye!

smiley - fullmoon

hey vampire

Post 8



hey make a run for it man the h2g2 police are onto you..ive seen nothing ok smiley - whistle lol

smiley - fullmoon

hey vampire

Post 9


smiley - book

hey vampire

Post 10


ohhh no ive had it.... hide me quick..smiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - wah ere you think the tears ill get me 1 of them real badge things..smiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laugh


u do ya so called job smiley - biggrin i dont mind helpin n e 1 of ya out in tryin t find then again tho the spy game is really gettin old news now dont you along theres a good ace person..smiley - laughsmiley - laugh

hey vampire

Post 11


smiley - book

hey vampire

Post 12


smiley - book

ere u'll ave got the collection soon intern ..but im sure youve been asked to leave this thread it's no concern of yours ok have 2 brownie points then..smiley - laughsmiley - laugh

tell me who's in the lead in u 3..?..smiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laugh

hey vampire

Post 13



im not gonna bother posting in here, interns set on goading me again for obvious reasons, im not gonna give him the satisfaction..he can bookmark my conversations all he wants, but he can do it on his own, im fed up with him and his little h2g2police pals sniffing round on my page, you'd think they had nothing better to do than watch me! just shows what an an upstanding ace he is NOT, least his pals have the good grace to sneak around my conversations without sitting in them like some sort of babysitter!

might go to email in a bit and bleep all over the bleeping place, 1 place at least ex LDers with an axe to grind cant come and act like children hiding behind there badges!

smiley - fullmoon

hey vampire

Post 14


go vampy go vampy go vampy hey you'll end up on pre mod..smiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laugh

these ace's are after you y'know that dont you there actin on ORDERS thats just been given 2 me by another pal within the acehood clan..smiley - whistle

see thi still 2 thick t keep it out of the storeroom..smiley - biggrin

hey vampire

Post 15



oh yeah hes been asked to leave but this is h2g2 and 'some' aces do what they like and make up the rules as they go along, let him stay if i make a big deal his pals will only back him up anyway

im gonna get off to bed anyway, it stinks round here of corruption!
and i know that isnt your aftershave! smiley - whistle

smiley - fullmoon

hey vampire

Post 16


smiley - ok vampy smiley - biggrin

u takecare watch ya back smiley - laugh

night smiley - smiley im just avin 1 more smiley - ale then im off smiley - cheers

hey vampire

Post 17


smiley - ok there lass...smiley - biggrin

Hows the spyin game comin along,,?
you wantin n e NEWS on ya mole..?

ere feel free t drop me a line when you do..
got everythin in place this end now..smiley - biggrin

im smiley - coolsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laugh

hey vampire

Post 18



hows the spying game coming along? dunno ask intern, you said he was still subscribed to this conversation

pointless as you know posting any info in here would only get yikesed, save it for email else poor intern will have a heart attack and run back to the other thread misquoting everyone!

smiley - fullmoon

hey vampire

Post 19


smiley - doh yeah good point smiley - rose not bad 4 a smiley - divasmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laugh

take another look at a thread ive given u in email Some Ace is talkin about you and your ace of conduct thread smiley - whistle..Ps that didnt cum off me yeah..smiley - biggrin

hey vampire

Post 20



lol tell me something i dont know

smiley - fullmoon

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