This is the Message Centre for Musette

Greetings Musette!

Post 1

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

I like to pop in on a few of the recent arrivals, just to say 'hello', 'welcome aboard', offer you a smiley - tea or smiley - cappuccino & some smiley - cheesecake or possibly some smiley - choc ? If you want to use any of those icons, consult the list that comes up when you click <./>smileys</.> ...& you can refer back to it from time to time by typing smileys into the search window.

Feel free to click on my underlined nickname at the top of this message, to visit my space, or just click on the 'Reply' button below. Hope you don't have too many problems settling in, & look forward to seeing you around (so to speak). TTFN

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