This is the Message Centre for Behind Geddon's wall, The Wall of death! (chemist-assassin, keeper of the hooded swan)

on the run

Post 1


smiley - bleep

Well Geddon, I'm on the run for my life, I need you to go into the lab and savage all the equiptment you can, there is a decomtamination suit in the cuboard outside the lab {DO NOT ENTER} without putting it on first. If Dr Anthea calms down leave me a note and I will come back but until then I'm on the run.

Look after the Lab for me


smiley - bleep

on the run

Post 2

Behind Geddon's wall, The Wall of death! (chemist-assassin, keeper of the hooded swan)

If you need a bolt-hole, just send the single word "Sumitos" to the tea room, and I will lift the null detectors on the Rhapsody room, on the condition that nothing gets touched. The labtechs will regularly visit with food etc. I will know nothing about it ( Plausible deniability!). Similarly "Kania" will result in your release. smiley - ok Take care |Don't worry about the main Lab, I'll Set about a quarantine field and get the clean-up squad in.

Take care.

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