This is the Message Centre for Glenn.Wakefield (CAN)

Shoes out Please!

Post 1

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

"Quite narrow this gangway on a 36 foot sloop, or do you have another name for the top side of the board?"
he steps down to the thwart plank and take a seat down on it
"Perhaps you can help me out. I have named quite a lot of the riggings and places of the 'English Rose V1' in < A1103509 >. But I am lost where to find the purchases."

Sailor in Time just jumping down on the rowersbench
"Hi, can you help me gear up my riggings, they are labelled when hovering with the mouse. Clicking results in content page. You will find me here < A1107235 > or here < A1108379 >"

Traveller in Time looking at pictures of the rocky forests
"No I am not jealous. I am NOT jealous. No seriously not jealous, I just wished I lived anywhere near such void. The best we can get here is going to the shore, in mid winter. Even then we have our cellular phones."

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