Journal Entries

Entry 10 - 10th August 2003 - Is this the real life?

Okay, so I don't do much with this thing. Well, you're right ... I set this guide entry up for the times I want to say something and not mix it with my others ...

Basically, today I'd like to talk about my cousin. No names mentioned!

So, me and my cousin have been close for decades. We've always looked out for each other and been there for each other, but, since I started working at the bar, mainly, she's got very ... ahem ... tactile. Put in another way, she acts like she's the horniest woman alive and that I'm the target of her affections, but then ...

She comes on to me, big time, and then fecks off! Sometimes on her own, sometimes to other guys. This is very, VERY, frustrating 'cos she gets me going and then leaves me high and dry ... Every time.

The thing is ... The thing is that, even though she TOTALLY turns me on (she is well babeworthy), I can't get out of my head that she's my cousin. I know, I know, it's quite legal for cousins to step on the good foot and do the bad thing (even to marry, but NO WAY!), but I just keep looking at this vision of babe-a-liciousness and thinking "It would be SO wrong!".

Am I being stupid? Should I just enjoy the nature of our relationship as it is? Should I feck the 'Arris off her? Does anyone think that she actually WANTS me to feck the 'Arris off her?

I just get so confused, after all, I AM a man and I DO want to have the old carnival knowledge with as many women as I can, but with my COUSIN?!?!?!

Please, someone give me a clue, 'cos I'm drowning here! What should I do, if anything?

Thank you for listening and I'll see you at my next moral juncture.

Shitsurei shiamasu!

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Latest reply: Aug 10, 2003

Entry 9 - 25th June 2003 - Should I Stay or Should I Go?

I'm a bit tied down at the moment. Lot's of little things all combining to get on top of me. I'm wanting to do a runner, start afresh somewhere completely new but I have the Girlfriend and I have debts and my job.

I've figured ways of storing money and getting everything sorted. I want to go to America, just bum around and see if I can settle anywhere. Hell, if hundreds of Mexicanos can do it, then, surely, an English guy who can do a damned fine American accent should be able to?!?!?

Is running away the answer? Probably not. Should I attempt it?

... Hmmm.

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Latest reply: Jun 25, 2003

Entry 8 - 12th June 2003 - News or Opinions?

One thing that I find particularly annoying, recently, is the pre-occupation newspapers and television news programmes have to give their opinions on the news. To me, it appears that when I open a newspaper or turn on my television to learn about the news, I find nothing but opinion.

The news agencies have their "opinions" on sport, their "opinions" on politics, their "opinions" on the Royal Household and, basically, their "opinions" on pretty much anything else.

Perhaps I'm just an old man at heart (early thirties is *not* that old), but when I turn on the news or open a newspaper I want *NEWS* reported to me. I want the facts, the quotes, the pictures but *not* the reporters' nor the news agency's opinions at all.

If I want an opinion, I'll ask family or friends. If I want an opposing opinion I'll go on the net and chat to some body who holds a different opinion.

Please, anybody that can hear, a campaign should be made for *REAL* news. When even respected broadsheets tell me what they think of a news story, in the middle of that story, then it must be time for a change?

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Latest reply: Jun 12, 2003

Entry 7 - 3rd June 2003 - Making news?

After the furore over the trial for the, supposed, planned kidnapping of Victoria Beckham, it is, almost, inevitable that the other newspapers will fall on their wounded colleague like a pack of dogs. They will all, naturally, claim that they do not follow similar news practices. As will they all claim that they are outraged that journalists of such long standing could be taken in by such evil people as the ones who offered the story in the first place. Will any of them admit ever running a story they couldn't prove to be true? I very much doubt it. Will any of them hold their hands up and say "Yeah, I've done it before. Slow news day. Sorry"? Not at all likely, is it?

Newspapers have the dubious honour of believing that the law only works when it works for them and at any other time bending, or even breaking, the law are just added extras for the job.

Are media watchdogs keeping as close an eye on these print institutions? Or do they really have the ability to flout the law? Perhaps a nation should decide.

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Latest reply: Jun 3, 2003

Entry 6 - 27th May 2003 - Men are from? Women are from?

I've been reading the book, "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus", and I have to say it is very very perceptive. I'm approximately half way through and on every page I find myself thinking that I've seen all the examples and exactly where I have gone wrong in all my relationships in the present and in the past.

As the book explains, it's not men's or women's fault but just a matter of all of us failing to understand the fundamental differences between the two sexes. Too many people think that, when you say that men and women are inherantly different, you are insulting one sex or the other and you are not. To say the sexes are different is not saying that one sex is better than the other. It just means that we think differently, our priorities and needs are different and that conflict results from this misunderstanding of each other. Men express their love to women in ways that women don't understand and vice versa. Women require different signs that they are loved by men and vice versa.

Just knowing the difference does not help, you have to work together and show each other how you love your partner in the way they understand, not how you prefer to have love shown to you.

It is *very* difficult. I find it hard, especially when my girlfriend fails to see how she can make me feel more loved, but I can honestly say that things are starting to be better at home because of what I've learned. Hopefully this progress will continue.

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Latest reply: May 27, 2003

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