This is the Message Centre for A Liquid Warrior (vescere bracis meis)


Post 241

The Liquid Warrior (Vescere bracis meis)

Go to lunch at 14:30. back soon though


Post 242

aka Bel - A87832164

have a nice mealsmiley - smiley
Don't stuff yourself with sweets againsmiley - winkeye


Post 243

The Liquid Warrior (Vescere bracis meis)

Wot me?
I had a satsuma, an apple and a corned beef sarnie.


Post 244

aka Bel - A87832164

What about the kit kat on your desk?smiley - winkeye
It started snowing againsmiley - brr, has done so since saturday.I hate it to get up early in the morning and to see all the snowsmiley - yuk, makes me want to return to my bed immediately.
I'm off for today, don't know about the weekend, will probably see you only next week.
Enjoy your days offsmiley - ok


Post 245

The Liquid Warrior (Vescere bracis meis)

Oh yeah, that. Do you count kit kat as a choc or a biscuit?
How did you like my German. I used to be able to count up to 100 once, when I was about 13. I learnt Where have all the flowers gone too. Unusual song.


Post 246

aka Bel - A87832164

On again for a couple of minutes smiley - biggrin
I count kit kat as a choc.
Where have all the flowers gone, I think it was Joan Baez who sang it, the German version was by Milva, if I recall it correctly. Anti-war-song, I love it.
looks as if you still know a lot of German words smiley - wow


Post 247

The Liquid Warrior (Vescere bracis meis)

I remember quite few. But cannot spell them. I recall hello how are you? Where are you? vVry good Good morning, good day & good evening. But again spelling would let me down. As I say I went to Germany with a school party years ago in my childhood, but I never really picked up the language.


Post 248

aka Bel - A87832164

you probably didn't stay long enough to pick up more than that, but as it's so long ago it's great you still remember it.I didn't pick up my English on a holiday in your country, took me decades to learnsmiley - winkeye


Post 249

The Liquid Warrior (Vescere bracis meis)

Your English is excellant. My German is poor. I think you are very good and have a wide range of words. More than I have of German. You are on the word threads, which I ouldn't hope to enter on in German.


Post 250

aka Bel - A87832164

You didn't learn it in school ( 9 years ), then study at university ( six years )then forget everything again ( 12 years ) and then start learning again by reading books in that language and watching tv now and then smiley - laugh I'd never be able to do this in Danish for instance, although I know a few words, and I'm still not able to solve an ENglish crosswords smiley - steam


Post 251

The Liquid Warrior (Vescere bracis meis)

I love crosswords, but it's all in the understanding of the clues, and not your lack of knowledge of the language.
Just waiting for someone to relieve me and let me go home, so I may vanish suddenly. He's just rang in to say he's stuck waiting for a bus and will be late.
Just my luck.


Post 252

aka Bel - A87832164

But then it's lack of knowledge of the language not to understand the clues, added to the fact that I have never lived in the UK, so just don't know many things. Sometimes it's even difficult to solve a german crosswords cause they ask for tv-series I've never watched or actors or bands I've never heard of. I only know the names of the very old or dead ones, never the modern ones smiley - winkeye
Sorry you'll have to stay longer, cause I'll definately leave now smiley - sadface
Take care and beware of the fox

smiley - somersault


Post 253

The Liquid Warrior (Vescere bracis meis)

I'll try to avoid the fox. And I know what you mean about the TV series, actors and bands. Also as I'm not in sports, I have trouble when they say famous Cricketeer captained England in 1968. smiley - grr I call these specialist subjects and not general knowledge.


Post 254

aka Bel - A87832164

Definately right, but they tend to ask more and more such questions, perhaps we're just getting too old smiley - winkeye
bye bye smiley - towel


Post 255

The Liquid Warrior (Vescere bracis meis)

Still here, I'm afraid.
Keeping my finger crossed.


Post 256

aka Bel - A87832164

Hi, thought you would be round cause you said so, smiley - sorry you're not, hope you are ok smiley - ok


Post 257

The Liquid Warrior (Vescere bracis meis)

Hi. Good day to you.
Just logged on, been busy with work, first. That must take priority.

How are you?


Post 258

aka Bel - A87832164

smiley - sleepy - the phone rang and woke me upsmiley - sadface
It's somehow impossible to get enough sleep at the moment, I'm just always tired, hope it'll be spring soon smiley - ok


Post 259

The Liquid Warrior (Vescere bracis meis)

Me too, I hate the cold. smiley - sorry the phone woke you, hope you can get back to sleep.

On Thursday Cole and I took two friends, Bob & Ann, out for a meal. Whe we left it was chucking it down with snow. Couldn't believe it The following morning the garden was white.


Post 260

aka Bel - A87832164

Not back to sleep- online nowsmiley - smiley
We had loads of snow, nearly every morning last week, thank good it's gone now, but no sunshine- makes me want to stay in bed all day longsmiley - winkeye

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