A brief unintersting history of me

Born: 19/7/1985 in Aberdare, South Wales named Thomas A.W. Reynolds

Abode: A semi-detached house in a boring dingey town called Ashford in a part of Britain which is (must be ironically) known as the garden of England, Kent.

Schooling: Catholic education (not as bad as it sounds) in a great city thats world famous, Canterbury. In fact just left to bugger off to university and to tell you the truth will miss the place.

Occupation: Work for a faceless global corporation burger chain and, quite frankly am looking forward to handing in my resignation.

Hobbies: Trying (and quite often failing) to look like a smart arse. Getting Drunk. Admiring beautiful women, approaching them and often or not ending up with nothing but another rejection. Getting Drunk Again.

But Hey, as Sinatra said 'thats life', and despite my somewhat deadpan humour towards my miserable existance, i'm actually quite enjoying it!

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Hi Tom.... May 14, 2003


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Researcher U227765


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