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Bore da!

Post 1

Eusebio - squad number 11

Ym mha ran o Sir Fôn fues ti'n byw?

smiley - smiley

Bore da!

Post 2


Helo Micky Thomas' Right Foot - squad number 11

Rdyw i'n wedi byw yn Porthaethwy, ond rwan rdyw i'n byw bron iawn i Birmingham.Ble ydych chi'n byw?

To stop the moderators from panicking, we'd better give them a translation, yeah?
You said to me "When shall we signal the destroyers to come up the Thames?" and I replied "Midnight, from Tower Bridge. Hee hee, the Houses of Parliment will be dust by tomorrow and Wales will rule the world!"
And they don't like postings in a foreign language. I wonder why? smiley - winkeye

Sorry about the delay in replying, I was shut out of h2g2 for ages while BBCi re-organised itself, or whatever it was doing.

Hwyl, Cogs.

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