ItS All BoUt Me....
UrrM WeLL Im SiAn...Im 5FooT4, SlIm, 36c, LoNg BrOwN HaIr, VeRy DeeP EyEs, VeRy NiCe LiPs, An A v.CuTe BuM..
I LikE..GiRlZ, MuSiC, DrInKiN, SmOkIn, iN, WaShInG, BrUsHiNg My TeeTh, MaKe-Up, TiGhT ReVeLiNg CloThEs..
DiS-LiKeS..BoYz, FaKe PeOpLe, MaInStReAm BuLL, KuRt CObAiN, JoEy JoRdIsOn, TeeNyBoPPeR FiLmS..
OtHeR StUff I LiKe..BlAcK, ReD, SpIdErs, KaTz, EmIlY StRaNgE, ThOnGs, BoNdAgE, NeeDlEs, PoKeMoN, MaNgA, CaRtOOnS, HoRRoR FiLmS, PiErCiNgS..
BaNdS I LiKe..MaD CaPsUaL MaRkEtS, My RuIn, JaCk Off JiLL, ScArLeT, CoAl ChAmBeR, KoVeNaNt, SkId RoW, IrOn MaIdEn, MeTaLLiCa (B4 '90), PaNtErA, GlAssJaW, PoD, Afi, MiSfItS..
GiRlZ Im ObSeSSeD WiTh..JLo, TaiRRie B, TaLeNa AtFiElD, BrIttAnY MuRpHy, AsHlEy JuDD, My GiRlFrIeNd ChLoE!!
As YoU CaN PrObErBlY TeLL Im GaY.. An i DOnt CaRe WhO No's I LoVe GiRlZ.. BoYz DoNt Do It foR Me!!! BuT I LiKe HaNgIn WiTh BoYz ThErE KooL...
WeLL TaLk 2 Me....
LeAVe A mSg AfTeR ThE BLeeP..
Conversation Title | Latest Post | Latest Reply |
MeTal!!!!!! | May 2, 2003 | May 14, 2005 |
PuNkX | May 2, 2003 | Nov 25, 2004 |
Researcher U226772
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