This is the Message Centre for spiceyreturns

G'day spicey

Post 1

Shhhhhh........due to circumstances and stuff - I think I'm back now! and a bit of front :-)

Welcome to the madhouse! smiley - winkeye

hi xxx

Post 2


hi it aint that bad on here is it lol xxx so tell me bout yourself xxx like to be nosey you see lol xxx

hi xxx

Post 3

Shhhhhh........due to circumstances and stuff - I think I'm back now! and a bit of front :-)

I guess we're all sort of nosey!

I'm 47 m roaming the country for work - I'm an IT manager for a fairly large company with quite a few sites across the UK.......yup - one in Brum as well!

Hows about you?

hi xxx

Post 4


im 40 i live in brum as you know xxx i work evenings, i have 5 kids n 7 grandkids been with oldman since i was 13 never married lol xxx now you r u ??? whats your name ??? what do you like doin xxx told you i was nosey xxx where in brum is your business babes xxx

hi xxx

Post 5

Shhhhhh........due to circumstances and stuff - I think I'm back now! and a bit of front :-)

Hi hi - My name's Simon - married with a 7 3/4 year old girl (the 3/4 IS VERY IMPORTANT so she tells me) smiley - winkeye
I live near Cambridge but have to travel a fair amount - Derbyshire right now, Leicestershire and Dunkerque next week etc etc. smiley - yawn
It's Dudeston Mill Road in Brum - been opened about 4 months
The cricket season has started now so most weekends I play - I still ache from last week!
Spend a bit of time creating pictures - mainly from recycled stuff - wine bottle corks, old bits of everything -I never like the thought of throwing stuff away!
What do you work at in the evenings?

hi xxx

Post 6


i clean inshops in erdington and sutton cofield xxx not very exciting but i please myself what time i go in lol xxx so lead a busy life xxx i got a grandson older than ur daughter lol sounds bad dont it lol xxx your the typical man not throwin things away lol xxx i bet your wife loves you bein away so much lol xxx dunston manor is in nechells isnt it xxx hey r u by gullivers travels right now lol xxx

hi xxx

Post 7


you got a email addy ??? i find it easier than this xxx

hi xxx

Post 8

Shhhhhh........due to circumstances and stuff - I think I'm back now! and a bit of front :-)

I know what you mean - try [email protected]

hi xxx

Post 9

Shhhhhh........due to circumstances and stuff - I think I'm back now! and a bit of front :-)

yup - nechells / Saltly - you must be just down the road!

hi xxx

Post 10

Shhhhhh........due to circumstances and stuff - I think I'm back now! and a bit of front :-)

I was just thinking .it must be nice to be your own boss as far as time is concernd - lucky you smiley - wow

'tis Friday lunch time now - I'm going to be trundling down the road shortly - it is POETS day! yippee

Have a good one - hope I can catch up with you next week

smiley - kiss

hi xxx

Post 11


yep im about 10/15 mins away in the car lol enjoy ur scrool down the rd xxx yes will be on next week babes xxx do u go home weekends xxx your not always on the rd r u babes xxx

hi xxx

Post 12

Shhhhhh........due to circumstances and stuff - I think I'm back now! and a bit of front :-)

Uh huh - know any good pubs round that way?? Not always on the road I guess - just seems like a lot - 35,000 miles last year - VERY boring - Ooooh - just got an e-mail - thats nice!

smiley - kiss

hi xxx

Post 13


no i dont go up that way it looks rough xxx theres a few good night clubs though in the city centre lol xxx

hi xxx

Post 14


no i dont go up that way it looks rough xxx theres a few good night clubs though in the city centre lol xxx

hey where did you get the name sshhhhhh from ??? did you have a hangover n things got to loud lol xxx

hi xxx

Post 15

Shhhhhh........due to circumstances and stuff - I think I'm back now! and a bit of front :-)

I guess I'll have to explore eh! smiley - winkeye


Post 16


watch what your doin round there lol you never know whos round the corner xxx spk tomorow if your on take care xxx


Post 17


watch what your doin round there lol you never know whos round the corner xxx spk tomorow if your on take care xxx


Post 18

Shhhhhh........due to circumstances and stuff - I think I'm back now! and a bit of front :-)

Hi hi - I'm back now - well at least for Today - got works as well though smiley - sadface


Post 19


xxx hope we can speek soon babes xxx


Post 20

Shhhhhh........due to circumstances and stuff - I think I'm back now! and a bit of front :-)

Give me a shout whenever you can sweetie smiley - winkeye

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