This is the Message Centre for spiceyreturns

Spicey is it, eh?

Post 1

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Just poppin' in to say 'hello', 'welcome aboard', all that luv. In a bit of a rush right now, but be back later, ok. smiley - winkeye

Spicey is it, eh? part 2

Post 2

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

I suppose I should offer you a smiley - tea & some smiley - cake ...uh, I've also got some smiley - choc (but then thats nothing new, I've usually got at least a little bit.) Just to let you know, you can use those icons (the smiley - tea , smiley - cake , smiley - choc , etc) by following the easy instructions listed when you type smileys into the search window. There're a good number of them to choose from too, so they can be quite fun to use.

If you haven't had one by now, you should be getting a visit from an ACE or Assistant Community Editor fairly shortly. They'll give you an official welcome & a few tips to help you feel a bit more 'at home' here. Otherwise feel free to click on my underlined nickname at the top of this message, to visit my space if you like, alright. Look forward to chatting sometime...bye for now *waves*

hi xxx

Post 3


hi n thanx for welcomin me xxx so who r u ??? where do you come from n how long you been on this all these questions lol xxx how old are you n was you on ld before ???? i didnt even know this exsisted until a friend said hope to hear from u soon n thanx xxx aint been on for two days so only just got your msg xxx chat soon xxx

Spicey is it, eh?

Post 4


i dont know how to use this hheeelllpppp xxx

Spicey is it, eh?

Post 5


hey babe cant get on over the weekend cus the old man dont even know this exsists xxx he dont even know i go on email xxx just to let you know that i will catch you on tuesday if possible you can always leave me msges though xxx tell me all about yourself xxx chat soon i hope xxx bye for now babe xxx

Spicey is it, eh?

Post 6

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Well, luv I'm from 'cross the pond in Canada (46/male), so definitely wasn't on ld, just been on here since this past Sept. You can give yourself a nickname - like spicy, I really like spicy! smiley - winkeye) by clickin' on 'Preferences' in the lefthand margin.

This's a great place luv, bit rushed just now. So smiley - sorry, but really hope to chat later, ok. smiley - hugs & smiley - smoochs, alright.


Post 7


hi babe xxx so what u into besides cookin all those currys xxx r u married, single ,kids, never spoke to anyone that far away before lol xxxx hope to catch you on one day xxxx bye for now xxx


Post 8

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

no,I'm single luv, never married smiley - hug got a rather depressingly ordinary life here smiley - cuddle know what you mean luv, about talkin' to someone so far away smiley - cuddle ... smiley - winkeye, great stuff! ain't it?

Busy day for me though smiley - erm really hope to catch you later (at some point) smiley - cuddles & smiley - smoochs for now, ok luv


Post 9


hi babe so what do you look like xxx i wouldnt say a borin ordinary life i bet your good at what you do xxx whats your fav curry then babe xxx chat soon xxx


Post 10

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Well I'm 5'6 luv, brown hair, greenish brown a beard, of course kinda "salt'n'pepper"...ok, more "salt" than "pepper" lol smiley - hug kinda slim, athletic build. Favourite curry? I make a nice chicken curry, or a veggie-tofu curry with coconut milk. smiley - cuddle Do you like curry's then luv? Really hope to chat soon.


Post 11


hi babe xx i love curries yes chicken n prawn balti is the best xx not a very good cook you see i have to go to the take away for mine lol xxx if you never lived so far away you could of cooked me one mmmmm xxx hey you sound fit babe xxx


Post 12

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

yeah, that sounds good we'd make a good team in the kitchen smiley - winkeye, or I could cook up a special one for you smiley - hug rather fit luv, get alot of excercise smiley - cuddle what about you luv?


Post 13


mmm cook me one up netime mmmm xxx i go bike riding xx i dont go to any gyms or anything xxx i could do with loosin a bit of weight but those currys mmmm i got a chippy a indian n a chinese up the rd so i suppose im spoilt i dont need to cook lol xxx so what do u like doin then babe xxx yes im nosey too lol xxx


Post 14

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Bike ridin's good excercise luv, probably not alot you need to lose smiley - hug yeah, I could be like your 'chef-on-call'...cook up a curry, or serve you breakfast in bed or any of that smiley - winkeyesmiley - cuddle right now, I'm spendin' alot of time on the computer, tryin' to get that all sorted out, smiley - doh that could take awhile. Walk for excercise...used to go to the gym & all...bit of readin', some music, pretty average stuff.


Post 15


hey babe havin you on call mmm aint i lucky xxx where did you get your name from lol its wacky i do a lot of walkin aswell but i like to drive lol have you got a email addy xxx i dont know if it will work but i can try as im on telewest not computer xxx


Post 16

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Been a bit busy here luv, but I can always make time for the spicy stuff smiley - winkeye! Just imagination, thats how I made up the name luv - I cook curries, I listen to Jazz, & I like smiley - choc ! E-mail addy (I really hope you can send & recieve e-mail!) is: [email protected] , ok luv.

smiley - cuddles, smiley - smooches, & some spicy stuff smiley - winkeye


Post 17


hi babes long time xxx been so busy havent had time to come on this xxx my email addy is [email protected] plzzz contact me xxx its easier than this n faster xxx till then look after yourself n take care xxx

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