This is the Message Centre for Diane B


Post 1

Beetle Girl

Hi Diane,

Hope you don't mind me bothering you.

What kind of surgery did you have, I would really like some as I have stubborn weight around my bottom, but I don’t know much about it.



Post 2

Diane B

I had something called Lysonix, they say it is a gentle form of lipo......gentle my foot, it bloody hurt! I had my lower tummy, and hips at the cost of £3,500. I went through Transform. The operation has left me with lumps and bumps which are now being smoothed out, at no charge to myself. When i gained some weight back on it did not go on to those areas it went elsewhere which is weird as you end up having problems in areas you are not used to.......boobs!!! arms like Garth, and a thicker midrift. I would never say don't do it, but think first. I would still have gone for the op even if i knew i would have to have another to correct it. smiley - love Diane xx


Post 3

Diane B

If i go quiet on you it is because i am going to see family for a couple of days take care speak when i get back love Diane x

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