This is the Message Centre for Universal Granny
Hi there, UG!
Shea the Sarcastic Started conversation Apr 6, 2009
I'm just popping by to say hello, and to leave some <icecream> and some
How have you been? I don't come by hootoo quite as much as I'd like (I've become addicted to SmallWorlds on Facebook!).
Hi there, UG!
Universal Granny Posted Apr 26, 2009
Hello Shea,
and thanks for the
ice cream.
As you can see by the fact it has taken me two weeks to reply to you - I don't come by that often now, either.
Too much time spent on attending to bits of myself that keep dropping off or seizing up, and the unfortunate advent of too many funerals - fortunately not mine..... yet!
Glad you are well, though. Not really in to Facebook myself, but I think that is probably my loss!
Take care
Hi there, UG!
Universal Granny Posted Mar 4, 2015
And seven months after that message - yes, I am still about!
Fully retired now, but my father-in-law was right, when you retire you never get a day off!
I am now the local Churchwarden, and have a small and elderly congregation to care for, along with four grandchildren (3rd one in line was 13 today!), and a very dear friend who is really not very well at all.
But I am busy and happy - so who could ask for more!
And you - is all well in your world? UG
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Hi there, UG!
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