This is the Message Centre for Universal Granny

Hello from Canada!

Post 1


Hi Universal Granny!

Hello from Canada!

Post 2

Universal Granny

Hello Medusa!

I was so surprised and very excited to receive your posting, and immediately went to your space. I loved it!!

However, have you been in space for the last 4 years because you don't seem to have posted much since 2000 - where have you been!!??

Take care, Universal Granny

Hello from Canada!

Post 3


Hello again

I drifted away because h2g2 was taken over by BBC and the postings seemed boring. More likely it was my frame of mind - I was working at a job that had me constantly WISHING I would be abducted by aliens!! smiley - smiley Last year I quit the job, moved to a different city and landed a great job where I work from home. No office politics and no pantyhose!!
Recently, h2g2 came up somehow when I was looking for something completely different on the net so I decided to check and see if I was still in the database and TADA!! there I was...snaky locks and all! smiley - smiley
So, that's me up to did YOU get involved?


Hello from Canada!

Post 4

Universal Granny

Boredom, I think. I am a night shift supervisor, and although my work time is busy, when my break comes up I do not feel like reading etc. and so I began to tinker with my computer. However, we are not allowed internet access, although we have a limited inroad into BBCi and I stumbled across H2G2 by accident.

I did not understand it for a while, but then a fluke posting with a key word in it that meant something to me caught my attention (long and boring story) and I was introduced to someone who guided me around the place, and was very kind to me. Since then, I have learnt the art of lurking, and observing before jumping in, and knowing when to speak and when to stay silent.

The most enjoyable thing about this site for me is meeting people from different countries. I am very unlikely to travel abroad from England, mainly because I am frightened of flying, but financial restrictions play a big part too. But I do enjoy hearing about other countries, and "feeling" what it is like by listening to other hootooers and their tales.

Anyway, enough! I am sure you don't want a Granny cluttering up your space so much.

Take care, Universal Granny

Hello from Canada!

Post 5


Hey, I'm not worried about having grannies cluttering up my space - since I'm one myself! smiley - smiley

Hello from Canada!

Post 6

Universal Granny

Oh! That hadn't occurred to me!! Tell all, how many, what ages etc. etc. Do they live close to you, do you see them often?

I have two daughters, and for the purpose of this site they are Wilma and Betty. Wilma has two children, Pebbles who is my 5 year old granddaughter, and Bam-Bam my three year old grandson (very aptly named there), and Betty has the youngest grandson, Dino but is expecting again in January.

They both live in the same road, and that road is only 5 minutes away from me, so I am in and out of their lives all the time. And I love it!

Tell me more

Take care, Universal Granny

Hello from Canada!

Post 7


I have one handsome son who married a beautiful girl and they produced two gorgeous little girls, now 2 & 4. The oldest one inherited my hair - Medusa II smiley - smiley Medusa II is an adorable "dictator in training" and Penelope is her devoted follower...although I expect rebellion soon.
With three women in the house my son has confidently announced that he will have a bathroom to himself in about 20 years. smiley - winkeye

Sounds like you really enjoy your time with your grandchildren; you are SO lucky to be that close to them. Mine live 800 miles away - about a 14 hour drive which I'm doing this weekend. Fortunately, I like driving and I take my work with me so it all works out. smiley - smiley

Anyway, I'll sign off now. I'm up at 6 am to go running...or at least my interpretation of running. I suspect I won't ever be invited to a marathon but if "bizarre, flapping about, freestyle running" ever becomes an Olympic sport, I'm taking the GOLD!! smiley - smiley

Bye for now

Hello from Canada!

Post 8

Universal Granny

800 miles!! You are one brave lady! Mind you, there isn't one stretch of 800 miles in Britain, I think the longest distance we can do is 715 and then we fall off the end into the sea!

I hope your journey goes well, how long will you be staying with them?
They sound lovely. We are an all girls family, i.e. my Mum was an only child and had two girls, (my sister and me), and my Dad had one brother who had two girls.

When we grew up, I had two girls, and my sister had one girl (an only child). My cousins also had girls. So when both my daughters produced boys we couldn't believe it! Lovely though - and it would be even lovelier if Betty produced a girl so that they both had one of each - but I don't really mind, as long as it's healthy and all goes well.

I have had Dino all today whilst his Mum and Dad went shopping for furniture for his new bedroom. He was a delight, has very good manners when he is out, and is concentrating hard on potty training at the moment which led to some serious discussion from him about the merits and demerits of wearing "big boy pants" and not wetting them! Very hard to keep a straight face.

Hope your trip goes well

Take care, Universal Granny

Hello from Canada!

Post 9

Universal Granny

Hello, Medusa,

Are you back from your 800 mile trek yet? I hope you are safe and well

Take care, Universal Granny

Hello from Canada!

Post 10

Universal Granny


Hello from Canada!

Post 11

Universal Granny

Erm...! Are you all right?

Hello from Canada!

Post 12


Hello there smiley - smiley

Long time no talk. I had so much stuff going on then AGES later when I went to reply I had totally lost my name/password. I didn't have time, or inclination, to write to h2g2 to admit that I had been a ditz YET AGAIN and lost my info. I now have it safely saved in a file, which I hopefully won't lose...

Last time we chatted your daughter Wilma was expecting a new brother or sister for Dino. Which did he get?

My little ones are doing very well - I'm doing my cross-prairie trek again this weekend for Medusa II's first dance recital. It should be fun! smiley - smiley

Anyway...hope all's well. Bye for now.

Hello from Canada!

Post 13

Universal Granny

Hi Medusa smiley - hug

Lovely to hear from you. I have not been around much for several reasons.

My house was struck by lightening about 6 weeks ago, wiping out all my telephones and the computer. I have had the computer repaired, but it will not hold a connection to the internet for more than 3 minutes at a time, so trying to get on to hootoo is near nigh impossible.

They have moved me on to the day shift, from nights, at work, so that means I cannot get on to hootoo, during the day either (the managers would take a dim view of that). The only way to get on here occasionally is to stay late (as I have done today) and pop in and out where I can.

Wilma had a baby girl on New Years Eve. She was out of hospital in time for New Years Day, and newest arrival is so patient, hardly cries, sleeps a lot, and is a pleasure to have around. My only problem is that the Flintstones don't seem to have another name that I can give her, so at the moment she is "virtually" nameless!

I hope your trip to see Medusa IIs dance recital is comfortable for you and that the recital went well. When will you be back?

Lovely to hear from you, drop in again, I do manage to pick up my messages at least twice a week, and when my computer is fixed, I shall be more regular again.

Take care smiley - hugUG

Hello from Canada!

Post 14


Good morning UG smiley - smiley

Great to hear from you too. Struck by lightning?? WOW! Exciting times!! ...although I imagine the financial aftermath of replacing the electronics was no fun.
Congratulations to Wilma and the new babe! smiley - smiley Perhaps you could call her Sapphire or keeping with the stone theme...
I am here in the wilds of Calgary - cowboy country. Medusa II's dance recital went very well. We always knew she was a bit of a diva but this was her first time performing and she just lit up like a light bulb when she hit the stage. Little performers are so cute - I think the perfect term for it is that it's like "herding cats."
Anyway...I should run and do some work. My fearless leader is calling from his cell, enroute to a lunch appointment...gotta go...

Talk to you soon...take care.

Hello from Canada!

Post 15

Universal Granny

"herding cats"

smiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - roflsmiley - roflsmiley - wah

smiley - smiley

Good one!

Will mull on the stones theme, sounds like a good idea - how about Aconyte (is that how you spell it - better get that right first!)

Glad the dancing went well - I know what you mean about little performers. My two, at the ages of 3 and 5 had to do a performance of the Charleston, complete with swinging beads and fringed dresses... need I say more!

Yes, lightening strikes sound exciting - but they are very expensive! Especially when all the insurance companies pick up their skirts and run a mile in the opposite direction shouting over their shoulders, "Oh, no, Act of God! Act of God! We couldn't possibly pay out!"

smiley - sigh

Back to the grind..........but are we beaten? Not if I have my way, we're not!!

Take care smiley - hugUG

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