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Funny what people will take casts of...
McKay The Disorganised Started conversation Nov 13, 2006
Hi UG. (Waves all wavable parts of the anatomy.)
Great to hear from you, briefly, and hope that your keeping well and mis-behaving, not the obverse.
Funnily enough you were in my thoughts the other week, No. 2's fiancee has a book about rock trivia, and listed in it is a woman who takes casts of celebrity penises.
Knowing your keeness in this direction I thought you might be interested in the work of Cynthia Plaster Caster.
Funny what people will take casts of...
Universal Granny Posted Nov 13, 2006
Oh, disorganised one! I've gone all red and hot! I've never been lucky enough to meet a Jimi Hendrix... but I remember dreaming!
Trouble is, in and out of my senior moments, - I know what the pictures are - but I've forgotten what they're for!
However, it would seem to open up a whole new world of plaster casting for me... so if you're volunteering, I'll come and swathe gauze round your waveable bits and we'll get started.
Right - now my face has stopped glowing and my hands have stopped shaking - how are you? I've actually got a picture of you which comes up as part of a slide show on my screen saver, so you're never far from my thoughts (whoops, misbehaving again!)
Grandchildren growing apace. Youngest will be two on New Years Eve, is walking, talking and cleaning her own teeth. She fetches a nappy when she is wet or soiled and presents it to my daughter, lies down, waves her legs in the air and sings until the whole nasty business is over, jumps up with a very clear "Thank you, Mummy" and continues on her way. When she is hurt she goes to her four year old brother for a cuddle first (and he is very accommodating), and then on to Mummy, Granny, Daddy, the cat or any passing stranger to show off her wounds and elicit a cuddle.
Eldest granddaughter now in Junior School, and beginning to become a little grown up in her own right. Her younger brother is still a bit of a handful, but now he has started full-time school he is calming down and beginning to be more sociable. Still hits his sister full force for no reason occasionally, but at least it's only one daily now and not once every five minutes!
How are your pups - probably not puppies any more, but are they shaping up? I have a soppy Border Collie - every time I approach her with the brush, she lies down on her back with her legs in the air, but of course it's her back I want to brush - she will have none of it. Totally submissive, but not very helpful.
I think I have taken up quite enough space now, so I am going back to Miss Caster's site for one more peep before making off to bed.
Thank you for being so thoughtful, oh disorganised one!
Take care UG
Funny what people will take casts of...
McKay The Disorganised Posted Nov 21, 2006
That youngest one sounds like a little belter UG, sounds like she'll be ruling the roost before too long.
I'm still bullied constantly by all my girls, but at least with the lad I've got a bit of backup nowadays, he's 7 now and he going to be taller than his dad by the look of things.
Yes, Max is just like that too, has a bad habit of sleeping on the rug flat on his back with his legs in the air, looks like he's been shot. He's good as gold with the two little ones though, so thats alright.
Wolfie on the other hand is an absolute nutter, requires constant attention, and never sits still.
Number 2 goes down to London this week for an operation on her hip, they're trying to find out what all the pain she gets is about, so Mrs D. and I are booked into a Hotel for Thursday night, and hopefully we'll be able to bring her back Friday evening.
Kids eh ? Always finding new ways to worry you.
Funny what people will take casts of...
Universal Granny Posted Nov 24, 2006
Oh disorganised one! You are probably at this moment either snoring the night away in your hotel room, or pacing the floor with worry. I hope No.2's operation is successful, or gets to the bottom of the trouble (whichever it is designed to do).
Let me know when you return how you all are.
Take care and
Funny what people will take casts of...
McKay The Disorganised Posted Jan 7, 2007
Forgot this conv UG - she's a lot better thanks, and the operation seems to have been a success - but we don't find out what was actually done until we go back next Thursday.
Funny what people will take casts of...
Universal Granny Posted Mar 5, 2015
How did Thursday go!! Long time ago now, isn't it? You also said your boy was 7 in this post, which means he must be around 16 now!!
If you have time, I'd love you to update me on your brood (including the dogs)
All well with me, just getting older and creakier!
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Funny what people will take casts of...
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