This is the Message Centre for wibblet
greetings wibblet!
jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada) Started conversation Apr 28, 2003
Just write a bit about yourself, y'know as much as you feel comfortable 'putting out there', so to speak. You might want to try clicking on my underlined nickname above this message, to visit my space & see what I've done. Or of course, although some of them aren't the best example, you can click on any name from the "Who's Online" list that comes up when you click that in the lefthand margin.
If you do visit my space, you'll notice I've used a number of the smileys or "emoticons" (like; ,
, etc), just type smileys into the search window for a long list of those. And, keep in mind that you can refer back to the list from time to time.
Thats a couple tips, I hope they help a bit. There ought to be an ACE or Assistant Community Editor along fairly soon to give you a few more as well as an official welcome. Until then, feel free to ask me any quetions you might have. I'm no computer-wiz , but I can 'point you in the direction' of someone that should be able to help.
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greetings wibblet!
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