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Posted May 3, 2005
G'day! Yep back from seeing the short Aussie one in concert, & all I can say is WOW!!!!!!!!!
It was amazing, an experience i'll never forget. It was soooo overwhelming when she came on stage i nearly cried!! Laugh if you want, but i was just thinking "I see this superstar in my Heat magazine every week, & now she's just 50 meters away from me!!!"
The sets were amazing, the costumes were divine & the dancers lush.
My favourite was at the end where Kylie came out & we all sang Especially for You as the words were projected on the back screen, then she did Love at First Sight, then we all did a Huuuuuuge Mexican wave, & then it was time to go!!
I'm DEFINATELY going again to see her if she tours again & me & my sister-in-law have made a pact that we will see at least 1 concert a year!! We've made a list of the artists we want to see & we're not too fussed about the venue.
I can't stop jabbering.....i'm still on a high, my throat is still sore from screaming & singing.....oh, hold on that is screaming in my case.........
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Latest reply: May 3, 2005
Baby don't live here anymore.......
Posted Apr 25, 2005
......well, he does but he ain't much of a baby anymore! Yes, my youngest cherub is 1 today!
He's a right little bruiser, let me tell you! For a little lass, both my babies have been bruisers. Hmmmmmm.........might have something to do with their 6ft3 dad!!
So my mission is to keep the "broody emotions" at bay. I don't want any be warned new mums & pregnant women, keep your distance. If i see you coming, i WILL turn & bolt the other way. No i'm not being rude, its just the only way i can keep my "broodiness" at bay!!!
Walks away chanting...."no more babies, no more babies, no more babies........."
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Latest reply: Apr 25, 2005
Conkers or Condoms?????
Posted Oct 21, 2004
Aren't kids great?????
I was walking the the young 'un back from nursery when she stopped to look in the leaves that were scattered on the ground.
After asking her what she was looking for she replied, "condoms!!!!"
"What????" I replied, rather stunned.
"condoms" she repeated.
Then she jumped up & shouted "I've found one!!"
Opening her gloved hand she revealed................a CONKER!!!
I do hope she stays awat from the Autumn table in her class room that is laden with conkers. I keep breaking out in hot sweats imagining having to explain to her teacher that my daughter doesn't search through the leaves for condoms!!!!She just gets her words a little confusled!!!
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Latest reply: Oct 21, 2004
Posted Sep 14, 2004
And back comes the reply........"Heeeeeeeellllloooooo"
Is there an echo in here??
Where in the blue Jesus IS everybody???
And YES, i'm back!!!!
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Latest reply: Sep 14, 2004
I did it!!!.....
Posted Jan 30, 2004
Yes, I, Lynsey, brave woman of the world, clipped the rabbits toenails.....&....wait for it.............................................................................................................I SURVIVED!!!!
Now....i've just got to get through tommorow....I'm taking Chloe to Jimmy G's (like a Wacky Warehouse) & i'm hoping to come out of that experience unscathed too!!!
Fingers Crossed!!!!
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Latest reply: Jan 30, 2004
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Little Miss- Get well soon Kylie.XXX
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