This is the Message Centre for Little Miss- Get well soon Kylie.XXX
Little Miss- Get well soon Kylie.XXX Posted Feb 23, 2004
And where the bloody hell have you been hiding munchkin???......
Well, as you can tell from my tag, i'm big & round & fine & dandy!
How are you & what you been upto & where've u been????!
wazzow Posted Feb 23, 2004
ahhhh well internet was cut off at work ...& to be honest i think this is only a short lived thing
as for what i've been doing well all work & no play makes wazz a dull boy...
i'm trying to fund a new kitchen & a holiday in the sun at the mo so work work
in fact i did'nt know if you would remember me if i emailed you...
as i still have your addy set up on file.
apart from that i'm you,hows things with you i bet its becoming a struggle now..?
Little Miss- Get well soon Kylie.XXX Posted Feb 23, 2004
Of course i remember you
Your the dude with the name thats like a character off Home & Away aintcha WADE??!!
We had many a long conversation on here, i couldn't forget you if i tried
A struggle???
Well, if you mean, treking up the hill i live on without getting out of breath,....yeah!!
I'm NOT having anymore though, with this pregnancy, i've had twice as much sickness, heartburn, uncomfortableness, leg-ache, backache & something i never had with Chloe.....spots
One good thing though, i ain't had stretchmarks but i'm bigger than I was with Chloe & the boobs....
....i could give Jordan a run for her money i tell ya!!!
So where you planning on suning yourself??
I've been busy with home improvements myself lately... a new carpet & hi-fi for the living room, a new washer as the other one died on me, new furniture for Chloes room & painting the hallway & re-doing the skirting boards & woodwork........
i do it everytime i'm, you ask Lee, last time I was up a ladder doing the hall when I was pregnant with Chloe
I've got everything for the baby too, apart from the pushchair...which I'm getting at the end of the month...hopefully
So hows you & your missus & the young uns???
wazzow Posted Feb 23, 2004
well were off to sunny malgret de mar (mainland spain) in august for 17 days so that should be good...(hopefully)
as for the kids there fine doing really well my eldest is in highschool now & as for the other,well there ok too.
as for me ...well its been a little trying lately just after chrimbo i found out my wife was having an affair.....,soooooo were trying to work through that at the mo..
hey i'm glad everythings good with you...& that all the familys good.
as for the decorating when your pregnant bit i remember my wife doing that with all three of ours... it was frustrtating when you'd had a hard day to come home & have to help decorate coz she'd stripped the paper from the walls..
yeah call me superstious but you want to leave that pushchair to the last unless your gonna leave it round ya mums,,oh & be carefull if your gonna climb them ladders you nugget...tcg.....
so is the baby looking like its going to be a big un..?
Little Miss- Get well soon Kylie.XXX Posted Feb 23, 2004
So your suspicions on the missus _were_ justified! Well i'm sorry to here that hun, & i hope you can both work through it & she realises what a catch she's got with you
Glad to hear the kids are well!
I'm not into superstitions, i got Chloes pushchair when i was 6mths, & if i don't get the one i'm planning on, i'll only find a more expensive one i've got everything else in the house so, a pushchair won't make much of a difference
The midwife told me that it doesn't look like i'm gonna have a "big un" (thank god, i'm only wee myself at 5"3 & petite) but it seems that way coz my muscles are more relaxed with this being my 2nd, & they don't hold my bump as tight & neat as they did with Chloe! But as long as it all goes back to how it should, it doesn't matter!!
Ohhhhh,,, you lucky bugger....going away to sunny spain! Have a good time won't you & enjoy yourself!
wazzow Posted Feb 23, 2004
i will & i'm really looking forward to it thanks hun....
i was supposed to go away last year but i got blood poisoning in may & was off work for three months....
so your a little un as well bless
all the more reason to be careful then..
so whens the due date.........& have you decided on any names..?
Little Miss- Get well soon Kylie.XXX Posted Feb 23, 2004
Yep..i'm a munchkin
Well the due date is now 24th of April...they've changed it 3 times now
& i think were more or less settled on Aiden James...AJ for short!
You can email me anytime you know
wazzow Posted Feb 23, 2004
aww thanks hun..... much appreciated...
so does that mean were not hiiting the town then..
good i'm glad are you hoping for a boy or like the rest of us will you just be happy with a healthy babe.
Little Miss- Get well soon Kylie.XXX Posted Feb 23, 2004
Hitting the town??.....errrmmm...i think i'll pass thanx...but you try & stop me when I'm not pregnant...the drinks'll be on you then
I've got plenty more es if you want 'em hun...they're free...(but only to you
Well, of course, health is the main thing, but we've been told its a boy...i've no idea what to call them if they turn out to be a girl
I was hoping for a boy though...i've always wanted one of each!
wazzow Posted Feb 23, 2004
your on.......i'll buy..
aww thanx dear.....
...much appreciated..
i was hoping for one of each & if i'm unlucky i will have as i have three...
no really it does'nt matter at all with mine so long as there happy thats all that counts..
so go on then what have you missed most whilst be pregnant then..?
Little Miss- Get well soon Kylie.XXX Posted Feb 23, 2004
Honestly....throwing myself round the room with Chloe no really...i don't smoke, so i don't miss that, & i don't drink much either, i just miss being careless
i can't bounce on the bed
i can't even run up the stairs like a big kid know missing one step out at a time!
But i also miss wearing my usuall clothes...i hate being in frumpy tracksuit bottoms...i miss my jeans & not being able to get into my sheepskin & faux fur winter coat....oh...& i miss my sex drive......its gone down the toilet & is probably floating in the English Channel with the rest of the crap
.....well, you _did_ ask
oh....& by the way....mines a bottle of blue wkd......when i've dropped the sprog...of course!
wazzow Posted Feb 23, 2004
thats not a problem sweet a blue wkd it is...
i'm sorry to hear about the rest of the stuff your missing....been there got the teashirt etc etc...,you have my sympathy hun...
never mind not much longer to wait
Little Miss- Get well soon Kylie.XXX Posted Feb 23, 2004
so you've been pregnant too???
i hope you reported this to the world medical council, as you could be a walking miracle
Hey, when i'm not pregnant anymore do you want to join me in a pillow fight, whilst being wrecklessly careless & jumping on the bed??...could be fun...i'll have to warn you though that Chloe will be on my side & we make a pretty unbeatable team
Yep, 9wks & i'll be a tiger in the bedroom....not that i was one to start with....more like a giggling schoolgirl
wazzow Posted Feb 23, 2004
i'm sure i would i just don't want to be beaten by two girls.....
....gigling schoolgirl......phew....what can i say to leave me
what are you like..
wazzow Posted Feb 23, 2004
well i suppose all that time without the goodies in life can be quite difficult.....
i do sympathise during our first sprog i may has well have joined a monestry....i'd bought the brown robe ,sandals & had me head
Little Miss- Get well soon Kylie.XXX Posted Feb 23, 2004
It doesn't stop Lee trying though....bless him...he never gets anywhere though...well not more than once a week he's like a castrated dog.....well at least he's got the drive....i can't even feel sexy...let alone act it!
Oh..well...not long now though...although there is that 6wk healing time after birth...the poor lad'll be walking with a limp by the time he gets to spill his goods....Gawd, that sounded awful, didn't it??...spilling his goods??...
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- 10: Little Miss- Get well soon Kylie.XXX (Feb 23, 2004)
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- 14: Little Miss- Get well soon Kylie.XXX (Feb 23, 2004)
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- 17: wazzow (Feb 23, 2004)
- 18: Little Miss- Get well soon Kylie.XXX (Feb 23, 2004)
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