This is the Message Centre for Little Miss- Get well soon Kylie.XXX


Post 1

Researcher 233696

Hello smiley - smiley

While on a lurk smiley - whistle I noticed you was wanting suggestions for baby names, well not wanting to impose in your journel, I thought i'd post here smiley - smiley


The girls name i quite like has to be Kyra, it means lady-like and isn't a very common name and is original. To pronounce it you would say it like Keyra. Another one also is Kadie.

As for boys it took me ages to think of a boys name for my little one, so I can't help you there smiley - laugh


Post 2

Little Miss- Get well soon Kylie.XXX

Awww, you could have posted on my journal hun, thats what its there forsmiley - biggrin
Thanx for your input thoufgh, & feel free to post on any of my journalssmiley - hug

smiley - jester


Post 3

Researcher 233696

Thanks Lynsey smiley - hug

I will do next time smiley - smiley

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