This is the Message Centre for Little Miss- Get well soon Kylie.XXX
Universal Granny Started conversation Sep 19, 2003
I popped into the Tea Shoppe earlier, but have never been there before so didn't like to put my two penn'worth in.
But to answer your question. A roll-mop is a filletted, pickled herring!! It is a flat piece of herring, rolled up with onion slices inside, held together with a cocktail stick and pickled in either sweet or pickling vinegar.
Very healthy, but not to everyone's taste.
Us Grannies know a bit about preserving and picklin'
Congratulations on the impending baby, by the way.
Sorry, have cluttered up your space for long enough.
Take care, Universal Granny
Little Miss- Get well soon Kylie.XXX Posted Sep 19, 2003
Thanx for that....erm....useful info, although I'm sure I'll never eat one if offered
I'm off most foods at the mo, although I have just shared a prawn & pasta salad with my daughter
Thankyou for your congratulations, & believe me it can't come soon enough, I suffer with terrible morning sickness & have to usually eat at night, hence the salad scoffing
As for clutering up my space, I don't think it could get much more cluttered, so one more thread will make no difference
Hope to hear from you soon!
Take care
Universal Granny Posted Sep 19, 2003
Hmm... I don't suppose it was a good idea to describe roll-mops to some who is suffering morning sickness! Sorry about that!
I suppose one consolation about being pregnant now is that you will not have to be carrying the baby during such a hot summer as we had this year - I couldn't think of anything worse than being 9 months gone in the height of the summer we have just had.
Right, back to the night shift
Take care Universal Granny
Little Miss- Get well soon Kylie.XXX Posted Sep 19, 2003
Yeah thats a good one, & it was well timed wasn't it
I get hot flushes as it is & i can do without having them in 90*C heat
Morning sickness or not, the roll mops really don't appeal to me, i'm not a big fish fan
I only like fish shop fish & mussels & prawns & they have to be in moderation
Oh well, i'm off to nighty-noo's!
Have a nice evening/night!
Take Care
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