This is the Message Centre for Andrea Ortiz...used to want a I want a restaurant
Acid Override - The Forum A1146917 Started conversation Jun 16, 2003
Dropped by, said I would.
I would like to make some insightfull comment about your coffeeshop, but I don't drink coffee and have the buissness acumen of your average trained monkey...
Nice blogger site. I have a mate at school who runs one to help everyone keep in contact. Now whaddid he call it, ach I'd need the links on my home PC. Oh well, never mind.
New gamer, I play far too many games (though you already know since you've seen my space) I would get into it now, but I suppose there are threads for people like me
Andrea Ortiz...used to want a I want a restaurant Posted Jun 17, 2003
Well...thank you for looking at my blogger are the first person that has told me that they looked at my personal space I listed you in my new list of H2G2ers who look at the blog...I just started publicizing it to peope...thought it would be a great idea for getting feedback and keeping my thoughts organized.
I am starting to get addicted to games too.
Acid Override - The Forum A1146917 Posted Jun 17, 2003
Funny I was looking at blogger in another window when I read your post. I'll add a link to the blog from my space.
Addicted? You don't know the meaning of the word!
I tend to play for a minimum of 2hrs, 6hrs is not unusual. My longest stint was 47hrs. I tend to forget to eat and sleep when I get a new game if its very good. I don't know what the longest I've spent on one game is because the counter jammed at 99hrs 59mins 59secs. (That happened on Final Fantasy VI and on FFVII and on FFVIII and on FFIX and on FFX. I can only pray that FFXI does not come out when I have work to do) I assume they though nobody would play for >100hrs.
I know people who consider me a lighweight.
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