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Kindest thoughts..

Post 1

Researcher 556780

I don't know yourself or Neugan, but followed a link from the birdseye thread (terri) and I am very sorry to hear about your loss.

smiley - cuddlesmiley - rose

My kindest thoughts are with you,

MV smiley - peacedove

Kindest thoughts..

Post 2

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

as are mine

i hope you find the strength you need, my friend smiley - hug

smiley - pirate

Kindest thoughts..

Post 3


Thank you for your comments. Maria was a very kind and intelligent woman and I'll miss her a lot. I posted before to another conversation and this is the first time I noticed. Sorry for taking so long. I kind of new at this anyway. Still haven't used a smiley except for the description page, and I have to update that. A whole town got buried in mud the other day. Have to be having a better life than those poor people. Take care. smiley - surfer

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