This is the Message Centre for Lew De Crow

Hi there, Lew De Crow...

Post 1

Stealth "Jack" Azathoth

Welcome to h2g2... smiley - boing

I'm Stealth. smiley - smiley
I'm your Assistant Community Editor, an <./>ACE</.> All this means is I'm here get you jump-started into the community.

One of the many great things about h2g2 is the Smileys... to see a full list of them and the commands simply click on any smiley in any conversation and you'll be taken to the smiley homepage... <./>Smileys</.>

Don't be intimidated by the size and scope of h2g2, it's one the friendliest places off of you could hope to be a part of. If some of the hootoo lingo leaves you a little confused, there is a handy page all about it @ A632431

If you want to GuideML your personal space, you can pick up some great tips @ A690518
Rocket Man's useful links and info page can be found @ A725500
Also Feisor's page @ A719840 gives you resource of tips and links that could be useful.

You may like to take the <./>DontPanic-Tour</.> for a more comprehensive description of how h2g2 works... You might find <./>DontPanic</.> very handy.smiley - ok

A great way of getting involved in the comunity here is by checking out <./>Askh2g2</.>
Both <./>ThePost</.> [our weekly 'newspaper'] and the <./>frontpage</.> are ways of keeping tabs on what is going on in the community h2g2 in general.

The 'Search h2g2' button is there so you can find guide entries by other Reseachers on a myriad of things. If there isn't one on something you know about or are interested in researching you may like to check out the Writing-Guidelines and set about creating one of your ownsmiley - magic

Any trouble or questions just ask...smiley - smiley

smiley - peacedove

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Hi there, Lew De Crow...

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