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Icy Naj 16/30

Post 41

Gnomon - time to move on

The Little Auk?

Icy Naj 16/30

Post 42

Icy North

smiley - bluelight Klaxon for Mr Grim

It's the Manx Shearwater that's Puffinus puffinus

The Little Auk is Alle alle, apparently.

It once had a much longer name, but it was a Little Aukward to pronounce.

Icy Naj 16/30

Post 43

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

I could use a smiley - redwine just about now.

Icy Naj 16/30

Post 44

You can call me TC

And a puffin, according to Wiki, is Fratercula arctica. The German name is Papageientaucher: Parrot diver. I don't think that means it dives for parrots.

Icy Naj 16/30

Post 45

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

You never know...

Icy Naj 16/30

Post 46

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

When I pour milk on my puffins, my spoon dives into the bowl.

Icy Naj 16/30

Post 47


Looks good Paulh bet they don't sell them in Europe thoughsmiley - laugh

Icy Naj 16/30

Post 48

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

We have a considerable contingent of organic and natural foods fans here in the states.

I studiously avoid transfats, and prefer not to eat genetically modified foods. Monsanto and ADM have done a fair bit of mischief to the food supply. smiley - sadface

Icy Naj 16/30

Post 49


Which forms of genetic modification do you draw the line at?

Icy Naj 16/30

Post 50

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant


I don't avoid it as much as I avoid transfats, but it's nice that many of the products I buy have little signs saying that genetic modification wasn't a factor in their ingredients.

I hate to read about butterflies dying because of such modification.

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