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Rain and the English

Post 21

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

there is a subtle but distinct differnce between looking odd, and looking excentrik... or indeed, feeling one is looking odd, and feeling one is looking excentrik.... Odd might be wearing a pin tutu Hipotamus outfit, to go out for toasted teacakes and Earl Grey tea... Excentric might be going off to do the same, wearing a full length leather coat, black army boots, and* a dress... with either a stovepipe or deerstalker... actually probably the deerstalker, I think the stovepipe would clash with the boots... smiley - magic

Rain and the English

Post 22

Baron Grim

smiley - facepalm

Rain and the English

Post 23

Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post'

This useless sequester is the stupidest political program yet! Dumb people who elevate bean-counting to the limits by always cutting programs to the poorest and weakest to eliminate deficits. I think the bally insurance companies should put up the money for this satellite program to continue. They have been pirating money for producing nothing for so long ---they might even save money on it to eliminate a lot of damage claims and/or loss of life due to weather incidents! Fat chance. Hyena capitalism at its finest.

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