This is the Message Centre for SIR REBEL_WOLF Knight Of Dirty Deeds

Hiya Rebs

Post 1

Princess Lilly,

hiya rebs just thought id drop by and see how you are how did you get on with the decorating? hope di's smiley - ok ive just got over a bad bout of flu so i wasnt online last week muchsmiley - blue caught it off my germ ridden kidssmiley - steam god looking at the date on my calander its only 20 days before thesmiley - monster's break up knew i should have hibernated this wintersmiley - laugh
you all ready for xmas then? or like me your like ohsmiley - groannot that time of year AGAIN!!

kind regards to you and Di Lizsmiley - hug

Hiya Rebs

Post 2

SIR REBEL_WOLF Knight Of Dirty Deeds

hi liz thanks for the message havent been on much so smiley - sorry for missing you out smiley - hug
yep now you spoilt my day reminding me kids on holiday smiley - wah
hope your over the flu i would have rubbed your chest for you smiley - rofl

love smiley - devilREBs

Hiya Rebs

Post 3

Princess Lilly,

No worries hunsmiley - hug im getting over the dreaded flu quite well just got left with broncitis and thats easing with the Ant-bioticssmiley - ermso ill pass on the chest rub hunsmiley - roflwhat are you like? Jonathan did offer but i had to pass on that offer toosmiley - laughdont want to spread my germs around.

well in your case i 'll make an exception ATTTCHOOOOOOOOOsmiley - tomatosmiley - run

Hiya Rebs

Post 4

SIR REBEL_WOLF Knight Of Dirty Deeds

smiley - erm so would i pass on it if jonathan offered smiley - rofl
Oi and stop spreading germs on my my space smiley - tomatosmiley - rofl

Hiya Rebs

Post 5

Princess Lilly,

well i got a tad worried when he mentioned hot chilli oil and a sandersmiley - rofl it was a case of smiley - yikessmiley - run

look im a sharing kind of person and i just thought that i couldn't be so mean as to leave you out could ismiley - roflsmiley - tomatosmiley - tomato so here's a few more to be going along with AAATTTCCCHHHOOOOOOOsmiley - flansmiley - nahnahsmiley - run

Hiya Rebs

Post 6

SIR REBEL_WOLF Knight Of Dirty Deeds

Well i like the chilli bit but prefer smiley - chocsauce and a pneumatic drillsmiley - rofl
now i will need a smiley - doctor with all them germs on me page smiley - grr

smiley - tomatosmiley - flansmiley - tomatosmiley - flan

smiley - love
smiley - devilREBs

Hiya Rebs

Post 7

Princess Lilly,

Yes i heard about that i had visions Rebs that Jen or Di had covered you in it and i had thought instead of smiley - chocbunnys next year i might be seeing moulds of a rebs on the shelves at thorntonssmiley - rofl

I could recomend a geogeous Navalsmiley - doctor to help so long as i can come andsmiley - droolover him when you have your appointmentsmiley - evilgrin

smiley - borgaimssmiley - cheesecakeat Rebs boat race "hows Di by the way" smiley - run

Hiya Rebs

Post 8

SIR REBEL_WOLF Knight Of Dirty Deeds

Di is fine working hard Bless smiley - rofl

she dont get much time on here as it its near christmas ss so much to do on her days off smiley - wah
smiley - ermsmiley - choc REBs at thortons sounds just right smiley - rofl
Cheek yer supposed to smiley - drool over me not the flaming Pop eye the sailor smiley - doctor
rather have a nice blonde Buxo smiley - nurse to look after me smiley - rofl

smiley - rocket
smiley - tomato
smiley - tomato
smiley - flan
smiley - flan

Hiya Rebs

Post 9

Princess Lilly,

smiley - ermsmiley - sorry Rebs im not even able to help you out theresmiley - roflim a redhead
and if you saw my Navalsmiley - doctor you'd understand why i go allsmiley - drooley over him hes an adonis phoar We have navalsmiley - doctor's down in our hozy at Derriford because they shut down the purpose built naval hozy a few years back then gave the navy a purpose built ward in the new main hozy, they work all over and my liver specialist happens to be one of the most geogeous hunks i ever seen, Its a real dirty job but you know i dont mind playing along and helping him to learnsmiley - evilgrinshame its only my liver and Thyroid he's interested insmiley - rofl

Poor Di i know how she feels hun ive got three and they dont get any easier to cater for as they get older
smiley - rocketsmiley - cheesecakesmiley - xmastreeshoved up buttsmiley - smileywhy are you not out there fighting the hoards of xmas shoppers with the lass then Rebssmiley - rofl

Hiya Rebs

Post 10

SIR REBEL_WOLF Knight Of Dirty Deeds

smiley - rofl here have some smiley - hollyas a cushion hope it hurts smiley - rofl

oi i did help her shop and i got me own shopping to do yet aint i who's go going to help me smiley - huh

smiley - sorry that yer POPEYE the SAILOR aint interested in yer smiley - yikes well they do say there's some funny sailors about smiley - rofl
just in case im not on much

smiley - hollyMERRRY CHRISTMASsmiley - holly

smiley - bubblyAND A HAPPY NEW YEARsmiley - bubbly

smiley - snowballsmiley - snowballsmiley - snowballsmiley - snowball

Hiya Rebs

Post 11

Princess Lilly,

Hiya Rebs smiley - hollyMerry Christmas to you and Dismiley - hollysmiley - bubbly hope you have an excellent new year best wishes to one and all, hows your mouth i hear you been to the dentist hunsmiley - hug poor you you have my sympathy my other half has just been and he's in agony you are verysmiley - brave lads they'd have to knock me out to do that to me im such a scaredysmiley - cat of the Dentist big time
smiley - nahnahsmiley - run

Hiya Rebs

Post 12

SIR REBEL_WOLF Knight Of Dirty Deeds

oi watch where yer putting that smiley - hollysmiley - rofl

yes we are looking forward to christmas as Di's daughter is coming over from australia for the holiday smiley - biggrin

well got dentist again tommorrow smiley - wah hate it it smiley - grr

you take care and smiley - snowball in yer pants smiley - wahsmiley - roflsmiley - wah

Hiya Rebs

Post 13

Princess Lilly,

Oi!!! who told you i wear pantssmiley - roflsmiley - snowballsmiley - hollydown boxers smiley - nahnah

Rebs you let me know how you get on sweetie you have my every sympathy hun take it steady and send my regards to Di

smiley - snowballsmiley - tomatosmiley - snowball<cheesecake down front smiley - somersaultsmiley - run

Hiya Rebs

Post 14

Princess Lilly,

Hiya Rebssmiley - hughow did you get on at the Dentist? my hubby's back today to have a last bit of work done.

smiley - hollysmiley - xmastreeshovedupbuttsmiley - smiley>smiley - snowballsmiley - snowballsmiley - snowballsmiley - snowballsmiley - snowballsmiley - snowballsmiley - brrsmiley - nahnahsmiley - snowball
smiley - snowball
smiley - snowball
now one of thems gotta hit yousmiley - roflsmiley - somersaultsmiley - yikessmiley - run

best wishes to Di

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