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just wondered
manda1111 Started conversation Jul 11, 2003
Hi malo
just wondered, did you know that when you put all them < space> smileys in a conversation, they count as a smiley on the page, and makes it very hard for a digibox user to get to the conversation
manda <peacedove.
just wondered
Researcher 224352 Posted Jul 11, 2003
what thread we talking about here? can you give me the link to the thread in question pls mr manda sir
just wondered
manda1111 Posted Jul 17, 2003
Hi malo
it was the first "The Beer Garden" in the The Boars Head
It is HERE >> F123511?thread=284596&skip=0&show=20
but I think if you go there you might get kicked of the digibox
We did a experiment in a thread on my second page ( U215943 )
called "Not For Digibox Users"
We found that after about 180 ( well I got to 187 ) smileys in a thread, then the digibox can no longer get to the conversation
and I know that you cannot see a < space> smilye, and you would not think that it would count, but it is still a smiley and the digibox will still stop after 180
just wondered
Researcher 224352 Posted Jul 17, 2003
experment gone wrong mr manda sir anyway that was weeks ago why ask about it now?
anyway how is mrs manda now sir? much better i hope?
just wondered
manda1111 Posted Jul 17, 2003
I know that it was weeks ago, but it was only last week that we did the experiment
Mrs manda is no better, she has been bad since last aurgust so I don't think she will not get better in a hurry
She is as load as ever though
just wondered
Researcher 224352 Posted Jul 17, 2003
well my experment with the space smiley for cheating purposes lol, i knew they would count as words/smileys but didnt know it would effect the thread in anyway, even on pc it effects the thread.
i hope mrs manda recovers soon, heres a lil for her. It might help her vocals. The strenth of the
i sell in the boars head normaly shuts up the most talkative of folk
just wondered
manda1111 Posted Jul 17, 2003
"normaly shuts up the most talkative of folk"
I'll have a few more for her,,,and I'll have a ( don't want to miss the chance of getting a word in
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just wondered
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