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Hello malo korrigan, you've been ACEd..

Post 1

Hathornefer (ACE) Near miss - isnt that what you'd call a hit

Welcome to h2g2 Malo

I am Hathornefer one of H2G2s <./>ACES</.> (that is Assistant Community Editors if you dont speek in acronyms.) The other aces and myself are here to help! If you need any help feel free to ask your questions here and I will respond as quickly as I can.smiley - run Alternatively, if your feeling brave try linking to my space U218182 and leave me a message there where I will also reply to it as soon as possible. You will see if you look there I have loads and loads of useful links should you want to get around the guide... you will also find I too have a soft spot for horror films. I prefer Italian horror but am happy to watch all sorts. Can I ask you your favourite film?

It seems you have already managed to get your name changed from your researcher number and some basic information in your home space. If you want to make your page really flash then you would be well advised to take a look at <./>GuideML-Clinic</.>. I use it on my site in quite a modest way but you can make it as loud and bright as you like.

If you are having trouble getting started can I suggest you look at A725500 (by RocketMan) and A534953 (by Shea). They are pages of very helpful links that cover just about everything in how to get started here. Just click on the numbers and you will access the pages direct!

While you are signed in, it is as simple as clicking on 'My space' to return to your own page. Simple!

There are a couple of other places I think you might like to look when you get a chance. Firstly the <./>frontpage</.> amongst many other groovy things is where you find the Dont Panic tour and the Post. The <./>dontpanic-tour</.> is where I think you should start your look around the guide, followed by a stop at <./>thepost</.> smiley - thepost to catch up on what is new and good this week in the H2G2 newspaper(released every Thursday).

I think that should be enough to get you started but if its not dont forget you can leave me a message.

I hope above all else that you have a good time in H2G2.


thank you your ace lol

Post 2

Researcher 224352

hiya thanx for all that info you suplied i will deffently be looking on them links, i like alsorts of horror films, love the nightmare on elm street films, but i love the old black and white horror films, they are well scarey, theres not many speacil affects in the old ones so your imagination can run amock lol, anyway may i ask youe asl pls? or will i find that in your home page? so how do i start to make friends with ppl from h2g2? what cool stuff can i do to make my visit here more enjoyable?? smiley - smiley

thank you your ace lol

Post 3

Hathornefer (ACE) Near miss - isnt that what you'd call a hit


You will find the answer to the ASL question in the openning sentance of my home page and I am going to make you go there to find itsmiley - winkeye

I think there is all sorts of everything on H2G2 what sorts of things would you think are cool? Until you reply - and I am back from my parents you might want to try some of the links at the bottom of my home page to find some useful/fun places? smiley - smiley

smiley - chick

Hmm - Nightmare on Elm Street - Johnny Deppsmiley - loveblush

thank you your ace lol

Post 4

Researcher 224352

hello againsmiley - biggrinyou made me go all the way to your home page to find out your asl n other stuff, your a crule woman my feet are killing me now lol,smiley - rainbow well i have been looking around and its a bit confusing but should start to feel at home soon, well im here again so get the kettle on n i love a bit of cake lol, smiley - smileysmiley - kiss

Malo - you are more than welcome!

Post 5

Hathornefer (ACE) Near miss - isnt that what you'd call a hit

The choice is yours

smiley - tea & smiley - cake
smiley - tea & smiley - cheesecake
smiley - tea & <smiley - chocsmiley - cake>

Have you spotted the "my space" button at the top or on the left of your screen which always takes you to your home space. Its like a 'Get out of gaol' card and is probably the button I use the most!

People are in H2G2 are really friendly and are always willing to help... not least of all your friendly little ACE heresmiley - biggrin. In fact you will find there are LOADS of ACES who are all here to be friendly - so if I am ever not here one of the others will always give you a hand.

Still confused? where lies the problem?

Anyway, what do you want with your smiley - tea Malo?

smiley - chick

my lil ace lol

Post 6

Researcher 224352

erm no didnt try your links yet. to be honest im afraid to i might be trasported to another dimension n wont be able to get back lolsmiley - rainbow ahhh but thats what the my space buttons for?smiley - smiley well i will use it should i need to in times of dificulty lolsmiley - biggrin thanx for the smiley - coffee n smiley - cake was yummy i'll come back to this cafe most defentlysmiley - rainbowsmiley - kiss

my lil ace lol

Post 7

Researcher 224352

hiya hows you? long time no chat. well have learned a lot in 3 weeks of been on h2g2smiley - smiley so what you been upto?smiley - bubblysmiley - biggrin

my lil ace lol

Post 8

Hathornefer (ACE) Near miss - isnt that what you'd call a hit

Hi Malo

Well I have been watching how new researchers have been doing and generally lurking a bit... but mostly I have been working on my college work. My exams are in three weeks smiley - erm. Nothing exciting really, just very stressful.

How about you?


my lil ace lol

Post 9

Researcher 224352

hi theresmiley - smiley what exames you doing? have you already done them if so how did you do?

aint been upto much myself
going out tomoz night for a good piss up so that should be fun smiley - smiley

hope alls well n hope to hear from you soon
smiley - rainbow

my lil ace lol

Post 10

Hathornefer (ACE) Near miss - isnt that what you'd call a hit

Hi Milosmiley - biggrin

I am undertaking a B.Sc (Hons) degree in Geography this years subjects are
smiley - smileyRemote sensing and Image Processing
smiley - biggrinEnvironmental Modelling
smiley - ermUrban and Regional Environments and Planning
smiley - smileyPrinciples of Geographic Information Systems

The exams are next week and the week after smiley - ill. Have a great party session at the weekend - I'm working - so feel free to party for 2smiley - biggrin


my lil ace lol

Post 11

Researcher 224352

well good luck with them i'm sure you wont need kuck thoughsmiley - smiley
so it's all work no play for you?
what after your exams then?

smiley - rainbow

my lil ace lol

Post 12

Hathornefer (ACE) Near miss - isnt that what you'd call a hit

Loads of luck is needed I am struggling a lot this year - so thank you very much. After the exams I get to see all my old friends and then..... knuckle down to my thesissmiley - wah

Aah well - its all coming to an end soon. I am nearly there smiley - biggrin. If I tell myself enough I might start believing it smiley - winkeye

smiley - run

my lil ace lol

Post 13

Researcher 224352

well get the exams over with n you can relax abit then, smiley - smiley so how longs your course?
what you want to do wen your finished?

here have a smiley - bubbly now take a break n put your feet up lolsmiley - smiley

smiley - rainbow

my lil ace lol

Post 14

Hathornefer (ACE) Near miss - isnt that what you'd call a hit

*sits back with a smiley - coffee and smiley - cake*

Hmmmmm, this is good smiley - biggrin

my lil ace lol

Post 15

Researcher 224352

you look nice n relaxed think i'll join ya (sits besides you with smiley - teaandsmiley - donut yummy lol

smiley - rainbow

my lil ace lol

Post 16

Hathornefer (ACE) Near miss - isnt that what you'd call a hit

Mmmmm try the cake its really greatsmiley - biggrin

my lil ace lol

Post 17

Researcher 224352

nah i'll stick with the smiley - donut the smiley - cake wont fit in my smiley - tea lmao
smiley - rainbow

my lil ace lol

Post 18

Hathornefer (ACE) Near miss - isnt that what you'd call a hit

smiley - donut's it is then smiley - laugh

Glad you got your login problem sorted - my supply of <smiley - chocsmiley - cake> has never been so goodsmiley - winkeye


my lil ace lol

Post 19

Researcher 224352

how did you know i had probs logging in? smiley - smiley well i have just bought you anothe double smiley - chocsmiley - cake get stuck in n heres your smiley - coffee

smiley - rainbow

my lil ace lol

Post 20

Hathornefer (ACE) Near miss - isnt that what you'd call a hit

Mmmmmmmmmmm smiley - chocsmiley - cakesmiley - drool

How did I know about your login problem? Well I try to keep an eye out for problems of those I have taken under my wingsmiley - cheerup.


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